Chapter 35: Hungry Like The Wolf

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"Miss Glover," Janine says, and I tsk, half regretting telling her my last name, although I know if I didn't she'd simply say 'Miss Callista' instead, "we've made a few changes in your absence. I have prepared a file with which you should familiarize yourself in all procedures and protocols of our new home."

I flinch when she drops a heavy stack of papers on the table, and I look at Sam with a face that is begging for help. He clears his throat, eyeing the papers fearfully.

"Yeah, I mean, it's not all essential, is it, Janine? Like, yeah, obviously we've moved the disabled loos to be near the exit, and that's important, but there's also stuff in there about who does washing up on what night, and how often I'm allowed to play Duran Duran compilation albums."

"That regulation has unfortunately proved necessary, Mr. Yao. Miss Glover, if you should ever feel that the old world music playing in this base is deleterious to your running ability, rest assured that I will happily destroy all Duran Duran albums."

I shrug. "You won't have to worry about that. When I first came to Abel, y'all didn't have that many songs so I had to listen to the same few over and over again. I haven't heard Dynamite by Taio Cruz in years, but you can bet that I can sing that entire song from memory. So yeah, music doesn't bother me."

"Ha! Can't use her to get rid of my music," Sam says, but he shrinks back when Janine sends him a certain look before turning to look back at me.

"I run a tight ship, Miss Glover. A tight, military detail-focused organization in which nothing is overlooked."

"This is about the smuggler's chute again, isn't it?" Sam deadpans.

"Maybe. Let us begin with regulation"

Two sharp beeps come from the sound system, and I bite my lip to hide my smile when Sam sighs in relief.

"Oh, thank God. I mean, uh, oh wow. What a shame. Um, that's the signal that our courier is on their way, Janine." He stands, pulling me up to my feet as he does so. "Callista's briefing is going to have to wait, I'm afraid. Uh, prepare the elevator!"

"But Miss Glover hasn't been briefed on the mission!" Janine says as we head down the hallway, stopping in the coms room to grab me a headset. He stays while I keep going to the elevator, which some New Canton runner who I don't know the name of got down for me so I wouldn't have to wait.

"Well, we'll do it while you're on your way, Callista-"

"It's a mission, Sam. We go by Five when it's mission time." I say, pulling the lever in the elevator.

"Right. Right. Sorry. It's just... it's really nice to get to say your name. It's a pretty name."

"Thanks, but um, Five is fine. At least for missions. I want runners especially to call me that. Ian still hasn't made a documentary revealing my name. I mean, I don't think he's going to, considering that he's made a short piece about how I've turned around, he now has to say that I'm a traitor to the Ministry again. Even if he said my name, people would think I lied since I lied about being loyal. So I'm Five on missions."

"Yeah, uh, anyway, Paula will be joining you on this run."

"Miss..." Janine sighs, "Five, are you sure you don't want more time to familiarize yourself with my manuals?"

Not in the slightest.

I don't say anything as the elevator doors open and I head for the stairs.

"Five is familiar with the only thing we need," Sam says as I get to the door.

"Yeah!" I exclaim.

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