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Liam's POV

After we took off, everybody basically fell asleep. Except for my lovely Kailee! She sat in the passenger seat so she could talk to me. She's such a sweet heart. I'm glad that a guy like me got to meet such an amazing girl like her.

It's just the way she is, it made me fall in love when I first got a chance to talk to her. The day we met was quite funny actually.

It was my first day at Starbucks and I was working with Harry for some extra money. I was my turn for cashier and Kailee was next in line. Her appearance made my heart skip a beat and took all of the air out of my body. I got her order and as soon as I was handing her her VERY HOT COFFEE, I kinda spilt it all over her shirt. She jumped and screamed in surprise. So I jumped over the counter with a towel in hand and on my over to help her I tripped and fell on top of her. We were both blushing.

Every since that day we kept in touch. We became close friends to very close friends to best friends. I had very strong feelings for her the whole time only to find out she did too. I finally got the guts to ask her out and she said yes! It was the best feeling ever. I'll never forget that day. And I made a promise to myself to never lose her and always protect her. And of course, to always love her.

"Whatcha thinking about Lili?" Kailee asked.

"How much I love you." I replied.

"Oh really? So how much do you love me?" she asked with a little smile on her face.

"The galaxy isn't big enough for my love for you."

"Aww! Even though that was cheesy it was cute and it means alot to me Liam. I love you too." She said back with her smile growing wider. "I love you more though."

Everytime she says she loves me, fireworks go off in my heart.

"I love you way more." I challenged.

"No I love you way way more." she said back.

"Nooo I love you more than everything in the world." I said.

"Nope I love you more than my straightener." she said.

I might explode right now. She loves me more than her straightener! That thing is like her baby!

"Aww you do? That means so much to me! Give me a kiss." I said.

As I was leaning in, Niall yelled, "Oh gosh you guys! I'm trying to sleep here!"

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