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Earlier the day Lucy and Shawn left to go to his condo...

S H A W N 'S     P O V
"You gotta get up, buddy. C'mon!" Brian said opening the curtains, letting the sunlight in.

"What the hell, Brian! Go away!" I yelled as I buried my head in the pillow, getting slightly angry.

"You can't escape your problems by sleeping, Shawn. You still have a lot to tell."


"There's a painkiller next to you, on the nightstand. Take it, and get your ass downstairs." He cut me off before leaving the room, making me sigh loudly.

He was angry as well. Perfect...

I decided to check my phone after I took the medicine due to the strong headache I was feeling. My eyes went wide as I saw Lucy's name on top of the screen when I opened the message app. I quickly clicked on it and read everything I wrote last night, while drinking like I was planning my death from alcohol.

"Gosh, why do I have to be so stupid?" I yelled to myself, getting up from the bed to make my way to the kitchen. "Brian." I said when I reached there, only causing him to turn his head towards me with a confused look on his face.

"Look at this." I showed him everything I wrote last night, when I was not even in my senses.

"What the fuck, dude?! Why did you write all of these?" He yelled dropping everything in his hand on the kitchen counter.

"I was drinking, Brian! How can you expect me to think straight, huh?!" I yelled back at him, making me feel the headache again. "You should have stopped me!" I said pointing my finger at him, my eyes meeting with his now big ones.

"You think I didn't try? Shawn, I literally pulled your phone away from your hand, placed it somewhere you couldn't find, and I went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. When I came back, you were already sleeping your ass off, so I decided to put it next to you again. For God's sake, Shawn, when did you write all of these?!" His voice turned into a begging one as he kept on talking.

"I-I really don't know." I mumbled looking down, not knowing what to do anymore.

"So, all of this is true, huh?" He asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. I didn't attempt to answer his question, though, looked directly into his eyes instead.

And it was already enough for him to know about everything.

"What about Camila?"

"And that is the problem. We had this little fight yesterday and she left with Lucy to spend some time together." I averted my gaze from his eyes to look down at my feet now. "She cried."

"She did what?!" He asked loudly, causing me to feel even worse than before.

"I love her Brian, I really do. But not in that way anymore." I mumbled as my eyes met with his again. "I stopped feeling it the day she introduced Lucy to me, the day I met her. The moment I laid my eyes on her." I said going back to that day again.


"Are you excited?" Camila said wrapping her arms around me, getting her face closer to mine.

"Why would I be?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Oh, c'mon, Shawn! You're gonna meet my best friend, the girl who was with me while I was doing the craziest things I have ever done in my life. She supported me in every decision I made, stopped me when I was wrong. She just had my back no matter what. You also know how big her place in my heart is. And you're about to meet this girl, still not excited?" She pecked my lips as her eyes studied my face to find the answer she wanted to hear.

double date (short story) s.m.Where stories live. Discover now