Do You Think I'm Guilty?

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I was accused of cheating on her, but that’s not true! I loved her, I really did. But my mother didn’t approve and I can’t disappoint my mother… But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning and you’ll see my side of the story.

          My mother told me she had found me a woman to marry. But I wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment, and especially not to a woman I didn’t know! I told her I needed some time to think, so I went for a walk. I needed a quiet place to think, so I walked into this small café. I sat at a table in the corner, asked for a glass of water. I kept my head low, my eyes on the floor.  I was lost in thought, messing with a wrapper absently. A woman came and sat across from me.

          “I’m Rosa.” She said with a warm smile. I glanced at her, but only for a moment. I nodded hello but did not speak. I stared at my glass of water.

          She seemed to hesitate, like she was nervous. “What’s your name?” she asked.

          I let out an exasperated sigh and finally looked at her. She had big beautiful brown eyes that stared back at me. I lost my train of thought. I shook my head, a bit irritated. “Did my mother send you?”

          She frowned and shook her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

          “Oh, sorry.” I paused, biting my lip. “I’m Jose.” I told her finally.

          “Nice to meet you, Jose.” She said with a smile so genuine I couldn’t help but smile back. We talked for about an hour and a half, about our jobs and our families, just about anything. She was so easy to talk to, I lost track of time.

          “Will I ever see you again?” I asked her.

          She nodded. “How about we meet here tomorrow, at about six?”

          “Okay,” I replied. “Six o’clock.” She gave me another smile and walked out the door.

          When I got home, I had a huge grin on my face and my mother watched me warily. “Why so happy?” she asked me, narrowing her eyes.

          “It’s nothing,” I said, waving her away. I wasn’t sure if I should tell her about this new girl. “I’m going to bed.”


          “Jose!” I heard my mother call, banging on my door. She came in and yelled in my ear. “Wake up!”

          I groaned. “What?”

          “Today you will have lunch with Laura.” She told me, looking through my closet.

          “Who’s Laura?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.

          “The girl you will marry,” she said matter-of-factly.

          “I will not marry her.” I said sternly, sitting up. She put her hands on her hips, glaring at me.

          “Jose,” she started, “Laura’s parents have money. I’m doing you a favor!”

          I shook my head. “I don’t care about the money, Ma. I don’t need it!” Her expression was blank and impossible to read. “I met a girl, Ma. And she’s wonderful. She’s sweet and kind and caring and I think I like her…” My voice trailed off.

          “And?” she asked, seeming impatient.

          “I think she likes me back.”

          She snickered, “Mi’jito, she just wants our money. It’s all an act.” I shook my head, not wanting to believe it. “Now get dressed. You’re having lunch with Laura today. Put this on.” She threw me some clothes and walked out.

          Laura was self-centered and conceited, the opposite of Rosa. I put on a fake smile and pretended like I was having a good time, when really, I couldn’t get my thoughts off of Rosa.

          I met Rosa at the same restaurant again and we talked some more. This continued for a while, we would meet and talk. I would tell my mother I was going out for a jog. When I’d come home, she’d greet me with her hands on her hips. “Nice jog?” she’d ask me. I’d nod and walk away before she could ask me anything else.

          One night, though, she asked me, “Were you with that girl?” I froze, trying to keep my expression mutual.

          “What girl?” I asked innocently.

          “The one you like.”

          “Laura?” I replied, keeping a straight face. She studied me, narrowing her eyes.

          “You know what I’m talking about, Jose.” Her voice was stern. She glared at me, making me nervous.

          “I love her, Ma,” I started, “I don’t—”

          She cut me off. “Jose, you are going to marry Laura and that is final.” With that, she turned and walked to her bedroom. “You’ll thank me later!” she called, slamming the door.

          The next day, I was sitting with Rosa at a table, eating and talking when I heard my name. “Jose!” a familiar voice said, as she gave me a hug. It was Laura.

          “Who’s this?” she asked, gesturing towards Rosa.

          Before I could respond, Rosa said, “I’m his friend. Who are you?”

          “I’m his fiancé,” Laura replied. Rosa looked down at her plate awkwardly. She had a hurt look on her face and her eyes were glassy, like she was going to cry.

          She forced a smile, but it was more of a grimace. “Congratulations,” Rosa said softly, barely audible. She ran out of the restaurant in tears. I ran after her, calling “Rosa, Rosa!” She stopped in her tracks, wiping the tears from her eyes.

          “I will never forgive you.” Her voice was bitter, and it pierced my heart like a knife. “You’re going to be sorry for hurting me, Jose.” And with that, she ran away. I felt empty.

          “You don’t need her.” Laura said from behind me, “You have me.”

          But I don’t want you, I thought to myself, I want her…


          Laura and I eventually got married. We moved into a big house and had two kids whom I loved with all my heart. My wife was a wicked, selfish woman, but I put up with her for my children.

          One night, we were sleeping when I heard a scream. I ran to the kids’ bedroom but when I got there, my children were gone and the window was left open. They were kidnapped. The next morning, I saw them on the news. Their dead bodies had been found in the river. They had been drowned. The suspect was unknown, but I knew right away who did it: Rosa.

          Her jealous rage got the best of her. She had held this grudge this whole time and took it out on my children. Now I have nothing, but she got her revenge. Did I really deserve it, though? I mean, I didn’t exactly cheat on her… I didn’t lie to her; I just didn’t tell her the whole truth… I did love her. I really did! But I was forced to marry Laura. Is that really my fault?

Do you think I’m guilty?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2012 ⏰

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