Chapter 2

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The boy ran hard on his feet reached near a house and knocked at the door. An old lady opened it.
"Can i get some water?" He asked reviving his breath.
"Ya, Sure little boy. Come in." Old women replied.
"I can't, please give me a bottle of water only i have to go."
Old lady didnot know how to react, but she gave the water to him and asked his name.
"Jun.....Jun.....Jungkook. Don't tell anyone." He hesitated.
Alina was all set to travel California. Her family bid farewell to her and she sat in the car with her father, who was depressed due to her departure. As soon as the plane took off both the father and daughter moved to tears.
But that was the begining of dreamland for Alina. She was seeing through window of plane asking herself, "Would i be the queen of hollywood? Would i get my dream prince? Would i be popular? Would i be successful?  I have to shut a lot of mouths who say that i just brag due to my Surname, otherwise i am nothing. I have to shut them up. I have to....". Thinking all of that she didnot know when she got into sleep. Later, hostess came and wake her up.
"Mam, Please wake up, we are in California. Its time to land." Hostess said.
Alina almost jumped on her seat because of happiness. She took her baggage and came out of airport.
"Hey, my baby is here!" It was her Aunt Sessy who took care of her when she was a child. Aunt shouted with joy as she was waiting for her.
"Oh Aunt, i am not the little one now". Alina replied with a meaningful smile.
"Lets go, We have a lot to talk about...." Aunt on the way telling her what happened at the railway station 2 days ago, she also told the stories of some neighbours. But Alina was mesmerized by the view of California seeing the buildings, banners, thinking of how her first day will be in universtiy.
Jungkook reached his house. He was viewing his wall on which many newspaper cuttings were pasted. The picture of a girl with written on it "Daughter of minister of UK coming to USA. Embassador Sessie will take care of her. High security protocols have been set".
He smiled as the things happened at railways station were just as what he wanted.
"Soon i will get my identity, i will get what i waited for the last 15 years". He was talking to someone on the phone."Get ready, This week will be the biggest era of our lives".He hanged up.

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