Day Five

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Day Five: Celebrity/youtuber AU, our fans ship us but we've never met now I'm meeting you and wow you're attractive


Being a YouTuber wasn't as easy as her sister thought, Lily reflected.

Petunia always said that Lily's job wasn't a real job.

Lily had a major on graphic design, and started her YouTube channel still in College, as a graded work. After one video of her commenting on the Premier League while drunk went viral, she decided to keep the channel - she had fun with the videos.

She didn't drunk-comment football anymore - she did it while sober, with a weekly video every Monday. Of course it was not her only segment, but it was her most successful still.

The part that she loved most about it was having lots and lots of girls telling her how cool it was to have a woman talking about sports - so she moved to other sports too: Tennis, Rugby and Basketball.

But her favourite was still Football. She discovered she had a talent to point out some new players and preview their success.

"I don't know about you," she stated on one of her first post-viral video, "but I feel this James Potter bloke's gonna be big. You just mark my words."

Years later, when she finally found this specific video she sighed in relief. She was supposed to have finished the new vlog hours ago, but she just had to find this video.

She had to, because that "James Potter Bloke" had just won the Champions League for his team. And she had been one of the first to praise him on his very early days.

"Some of you will remember this video of mine," she started the new Monday video, then showed her talking about Potter. "Many, many of you told me to can it. Many more shoved it on my face when he fucked up the Premier League title and fell in disgrace not three years ago. Now I can say it: I told you he'd be big. He's won the Premier League and will be a strong competitor for the Ballon D'Or this year. So congratulations, Potter. And congratulations, me. Hope we have learnt the lesson to trust my precious sight."

She then showed the final, and moved on to tactical comments.

To her immense surprised, her video went viral - this time on the sports world. BBC shared it on Facebook, ESPN had shown it live on Sports Center, and football fans flooded her Twitter mentions.

Of course, some were offensive, as the internet usually tends to be. But then she noticed that "#PotterSeesEvans" was on the Trending Topics. Trembling, she clicked on it to see what on world was happening.

To her surprise, it was a recording of a Facebook Live made by James Potter, while he watched her vlog. "Well, I've got to thank Lily Evans for her trust since the beginning. I did fuc- I mean, I did mess up some years ago, and some people stopped believing me." He said, looking at the camera. He wore these round spectacles whenever he wasn't on the field. He had said on an interview that he hated contacts. Then he smirked "Very nice to know not only my parents, mates and manager thought I still had something to offer. Cheers, Evans! And nice channel, by the way."

She would've watched it again, to actually believe it had happened, when her phone rang.

"Hey, Marls!" She answered her best friend, a bit breathless.

"Have you seen Potter's live?!"

"As a matter of fact, I've just seen it."

"This is great! Your channel will gain so many followers!"

Lily agreed and kept talking about how this could change her channel and even career. But she still wanted to see what people were talking about. The hashtag wasn't the first on the Trending Topics anymore - "#Jily" had gained the spot.

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