In Which Things Get Suspicious

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The next morning they got up early so they'd have time to visit a museum before the baseball game. Harry kept zoning out as Malfoy explained the pieces in that posh accent of his. Teddy nudged him in the side to tell him they were leaving about 3 times before he got his attention.

They got beer— lemonade for Teddy— and soft pretzels at Yankee Stadium and sat down. Once the game had started, Teddy and Harry had to explain the rules to Malfoy. Teddy was a bigger fan than Harry had realised and he'd apparently spent the year listening to his muggleborn friends talk about it.

"After losing Jeter they don't stand a chance!" Teddy told Malfoy.

"Who's that?"

"He's usually shortstop but he's got a broken ankle," Harry answered.

"What's that again?"

"The one standing between second and third base," Teddy said.

"Sure and the bases are?"

Harry shoved Malfoy who smirked. "Prat. Don't act like you don't understand the parts we've already explained."

The game ended 8 to 2 in the Red Sox's favour and Teddy grouched about it until they got to the hotel where they got some kababs from outside.

"You haven't even been a fan that long, Ted. What makes them so much better?"

"It's the principle of it!" Teddy told him, which wasn't really an answer but also kind of was.

When they got up to the rooms, Teddy went inside and slammed the door, leaving him outside with Malfoy.

"Teenagers," Harry said and Malfoy agreed. They weren't much better themselves when they were his age.

"I'll see you at 10 tomorrow morning for our last day in the city and our meeting with the Gibson's."

Harry nodded and hesitated. It felt like there was something more to say. He looked at Malfoy and was startled to find him so close.


"I'll see you tomorrow," he said, kissing Harry's cheek lightly. He stepped back.


Malfoy snorted and walked to his room. Harry went inside his and immediately owled Hermione. It would be a while till she responded.

"You two have fun?" Teddy asked.

Harry jumped. "What?"

"I wasn't sure if I should leave you alone outside by yourselves or not. Wouldn't want you to get carried away."

"Shove off."

Teddy grinned and Harry dove across the room and walloped him on the back of the head. It was good to see his godson smiling again.

"You know he likes you, right?"

"Shove off," Harry said again and Teddy shrugged and pushed Harry away so he could get up and turn off the lights.

Harry went to his own bed and collapsed back into it. If it was that obvious to a 15 year old what Harry was thinking, what about everyone else?

•  •  •

There was one more thing they had to do before they left New York, and that was visit the Gibson's. Patricia Gibson was a powerful pureblood woman who had married into a half-blooded family against her parent's wishes. For this reason, she was very against blood supremacy and thus had the potential to be the murderer of Lucius Malfoy.

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