In Which Malfoy Likes Muggle Music

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"Do you ever clean?"

Harry shoved a jumper off the couch and threw the pizza on the coffee table. He hadn't changed much about Grimmauld place since he moved in, but the house-elf heads were gone and the couch was much more comfortable than any furniture there'd been previously.

"It's not that messy." 

"It's a pigsty. I'm surprised Granger even lets you step foot in the place."

"Better mine than hers. Besides, she's got two kids already without needing to parent me. Three, if you count Ron. "

Malfoy moved on to examine Harry's CD collection.

"Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Eagles..." he turned away. "These are all muggle."

"They were Sirius's from back at Hogwarts. Remus figured out how to get a CD player to work and my mum bought him some each year for his birthday."

He kept examining them and then popped one into the player.

I can't get no sat-is-fac-tion

Malfoy skipped to the next song.

"What'd you do that for?"

"Horribly Gryffindor song." He made a face at the cover. "Greatest hits my arse."

The next song crackled through the old speakers and Harry had to admit he liked this one better too. Well, admit it privately, at least. I see a red door and I want it painted black...

Malfoy's head bobbed and he and sat delicately on the couch. His face morphed into an expression he couldn't place. "Potter, something's moving in here."

"Is not."

He got up off the couch and moved the cushion with his wand. Underneath was a blue and white bone that was shaking back and forth, not enough that Harry had noticed.

"Oh, that's one of Barkley's."


A rumbling sound came from the back of the house and a loud 'click, click, click" proceeded Barkley bounding into the room and tackling Malfoy to the ground. Barkley sloppily licked Malfoy's face and his forked-tail wagged back and forth fast enough to take off somebody's head.

"Potter! Get your crup off me."
He didn't deserve Barkley's love.

Harry grabbed his collar and pulled him back until Malfoy could sit up and scowl at him.

"Not my fault you're skinny enough to get tackled by a year-old crup."

"Potter, he's full grown."

"He's barely a baby."

Malfoy scooted forward and picked up the toy between two fingers with a grimace, throwing it down the end of the hallway. "Fetch, you ridiculous mutt."

Barkley raced after it and Draco stood and grabbed the pizza box, gesturing for Harry to follow him outside into the Garden. The sound followed them out. I see people turn their heads and quickly look away, like a newborn baby it just happens every day

It was nice out, not too cold For January, and at Draco's request, Harry grabbed a bottle of Elderflower wine from the cupboard where Kreacher kept it for them to drink. It considerably lightened the atmosphere.

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