Love On Top. 2

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It's been a week, one week of living with three dick heads and tomorrow we start school again after having 3 weeks off. Ugh I hate waking up early, it just isn't natural. It's halfway through the year and me being in year 11, so I only have 18 months left of going to school with the nimrods. Only!

All week all they have been doing is tripping me, pushing me, 'accidentally' putting chilli in my pancakes. All that kind of immature stuff.

When Stephanie and Terran came over they flipped there shit, they wondered why I didn't tell them my dad was engaged to the Robinson boys mum. I just told them it was no big deal and that they should happy I told them at all.

As I was walking down stairs to get a snack I see Colton walking out if his room. May as well start a civil conversation now, he seems in a good mood.

"Hey Colton." He jumps when he hears my voice.

"Oh it's only you. What do you want?"

"Just wondering what your doing. So what are you doing?" He looks at me like I have suddenly turned green and my eyes have turned into one big eye.

"Why do you care? I thought you would hate us for moving in to your house and ruining your perfect life."

"My life was far from perfect and I'm trying to get over the fact that you have barged into my life. Cause if you don't remember I always thought you and your brothers were cocky, arrogant assholes."

"What do you think of us now that we are siblings?" He asks with a cocky smirk

"Hmm.... My opinion hasn't really changed that much"

That makes his smirk fall. Then he speaks up again

"Do you want people to find our we are siblings now?"

"Why? You worried it'll ruin that previous reputation?"

"Yes, of course I am. I don't want people to think low of me or my brothers or even my mum cause she has spend 8 years without a man in her life and now she's married. It just shouts that she's weak."

"You really just say that about the lady that gave birth to you? Wow that's just do sad. I can't believe I'm even talking to you. And for your information I'm only gonna tell the people that I think need to be told." We are glaring at each other now.

"What you guys talking about?" We break our stare and find Toby walking up the stairs with a bowl of popcorn.

"Nothing" "Our reputation" Colton and I say at the same time. We are now back to glaring at each other.

We glare at each other for about another 10 seconds before I break the silence to go get food. I barge past Toby and knock the popcorn out of his hands.

"Hey, I was eating that!" He exclaims

"Aww poor baby." After that I walk away and leave them to clean up the mess.


"Hey dad is it okay if Terran comes over tonight for dinner?"

"Murray its a school night. Are her parents letting her come over."

"Yeah they already said yes as long as she's home by 9:30 tonight. So is that a yes?"

"Fine, why don't you tell her to bring her school stuff over for tomorrow and she can stay the night."

"Really? Thanks dad. Love you!!!" I exclaimed jumping up and down.

"Love you to kiddo now go and tell her, you might also want to let Renae know as well so she knows to cook a little more." He said while walking towards the theatre room.

"Okay thank you daddy"

I texted Terran letting her know she can stay the night. She replied almost instantly saying she also had a present for my dad and Renae that they were went to get at the weddings.

After taking with Terran for a little longer about what the plans are for the rest of the week I went in search for Renae.

I found her in the kitchen looking for things for dinner I presume. She had long blonde hair and a nice welcoming smile. It was hard to think of her as a betrayal to my mother.

She turned around and jumped when she saw me, then relaxed and smiled.

"Hey Miranda, what can do for you?"

"Hey, I just thought I'd let you know that my best friend Terran will be coming over for dinner. She really wants to meet you and the boys. Even though she does go to school with them."

She chuckled at my statement before replying. "That's fine Hun, does she eat a lot?"

"Umm... That's the understatement of the century, that girl would eat an entire buffet if you let her. So just cook up a little more than what you normally would, and if she is still hungry she'll just raid our cupboards like usual."

"Thanks for the warning Miranda, I'll cook up a bit more than usual. You might want to go clean up before dinner. So go have a shower and tell the boys and Ebony what the plan is okay?"

"Sure thing." But I didn't plan on telling the boys at all, they'll just have to put up with it.

Saying dinner will be interesting is an understatement.


So what do you guys think?

Hmm..... I sense a little tension between Miranda and the boys don't you?

Remember to vote and comment and not be a ghost reader.


Instagram: ImaginationGone_Wild

Thanks so much guys. Hope you all enjoy my book

So........ Read away

Your truly

ImaginationGone_Wild <3 <3
Aka: Lyndsee Rae


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