Chapter 7:

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First off, I'm so, so, so sorry. I did not expect it to take this long to finish a story. My original plan was to finish the story, and then update so that you guys wouldn't have to wait so long in between updates, but it's clear that's not gonna happen. I'm only 2 and a 1/2 chapters farther then I was 2 months ago 😔. I'm going to share chapter 7 with you guys since you have been so patient with me. It's not anything special, but it's something. Thank you guys for waiting for me! It feels so good to know that there are still people fanning and reading my stories even though I'm not updating!

Second, I feel ultra horrible because I have no excuse for not writing. I'm busy with school and babysitting, but I still have spare time. Plus I had half of my summer to write, but I didn't. The only reason I haven't written is because I don't feel like it. I'll have a few moments where I get really inspired and want to write, but other then that, I haven't. I'm so sorry!

WARNING: If you don't want me to ruin what will happen in this chapter, skip this. I'm just putting a disclaimer out there that I have no idea whether management actually books the tours and the boys don't have a choice about it or not, but that's just what I did. And I also don't know what it's like to go for an ultrasound. I just made it up how imagine it to be! Hope this isn't too sucky...

Chapter 7:

Harry's POV:

"No, no don't."

I slowly opened my eyes just enough to recognize it was still dark outside, meaning I still had time to sleep. Shifting my weight slightly, I got comfortable once again.

"Please, no!"

Unable to relax, I twisted my body and suddenly found myself against the hard, cold floor. The impact jarred my brain enough to wake myself up fully.

"Dad!" Brianna's voice rang out, echoing off the empty walls of the flat. My eyes travelled to where she lay above me on the sofa, flipping around and thrashing at an invisible being. She was having another nightmare.

I clumsily picked myself off the floor and sat back on the sofa, running one of my hands through her matted hair, and the other down her back. She felt wet and clammy from sweat. At times like these I wished I could just take the pain and fear she was suffering from.

"Brianna," I whispered softly in her ear. "It's okay beautiful. It's only a nightmare. Wake up sweetie. Come back to reality." I continued to whisper encouraging words to her as my hands worked at soothing her body; as I did every time she suffered from a nightmare. Through experience I learned that panicking only made matters worse.

Eventually her breathing slowed and she stopped twisting and turning. I placed my lips to her damp forehead tenderly. It seemed so surreal everything that happened in the past 24 hours.

A few muffled words came from the opposite end of the room. I searched the darkness until I found the source. Martha lay hugging her knees on the floor, mumbling in her sleep. I carefully pulled myself from Brianna and grabbed the blanket draped over a chair, spreading it over Brianna's mum. Instantly she cuddled into it, holding it close to her face.

I looked around the room, searching for Savannah, but didn't see her.

My phone lit up on the coffee table and I reached for it, stepping over mum. The screen blinded me for a moment in the dim light, but as soon as my eyes could adjust, I answered it. "Hello?"

"I'm sorry to call so late, but I just heard what happened. Is everyone okay?" Niall said in a hushed tone.

"Apart from being emotionally traumatized, we're all fine. How did you find out?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2012 ⏰

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