Part 5

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It has been a month after the Yoshioka plan was brought to the ground.
Yoshioka Kojiro and Yoshiokà Koji were imprisoned along with the other samurai who betray Mifune. And the name of Otomo Minamoto was rehabilitated. Kakashi was still in samurai no kuni.

"Kakashi-san, shouldn't you go back to Konoha. I'm afraid Konoha need you as their new Hokage," asked Mifune softly.

"I will stay here until Naori come back. If she die, then we should find her body," said Kakashi sadly.

"I will keep trying to find her, Kakashi san. Don't worry. But.. your village need you. You are the next Hokage. You also have to think about your village. You cannot leave your village too long without any explanation," answered Mifune.

Kakashi looked down, "three more days. If.. in 3 days i can't find her, i will return to Konoha."

Mifune nodded, "i appreciate your help for samurai no kuni, Kakashi-san."

"It's nothing.. Naori did everything," answered Kakashi sadly as he looked down.

Mifune stared at Kakashi, "do you love her?"
Kakashi looked up then silence.

"I will take that silence as your answer, Kakashi-san," replied Mifune.

It has been 3 days, still no news about Naori.
Kakashi was in the main gate of samurai no kuni. He was holding Ryohei Katana.

"I can't accept this katana," said Kakashi.

Mifune smiled, "it belong to you already. I'm sure Naori want you to keep it in the honour of her father. Please keep it and return it to Konoha. That's where their home is."

Kakashi stared at the katana then nodded, "i will leave for now. Please inform me if you find any news about Naori."

Mifune nodded, "don't worry. I will never give up to find her."

Kakashi bowed his head down, "thank you."

After four days, Kakashi arrived at Konoha. He walked toward the Haku residence immediately.
It was winter. Kakashi remembered the moment he looked Naori in the garden under the moonlight.
Kakashi looked down sadly as he sat on the stone under the sakura tree.
"I will wait for you. I don't care how long it takes," whispered Kakashi.

It has been a year. Kakashi was appointed as the Hokage. Every full moon, Kakashi went to the Haku residence and stood under the sakura tree remembering Naori still hoping she was there staring at the moon and the tsubaki.

One night of the full moon, as usual, Kakashi walked toward the garden. There, he spotted a figure under the sakura tree. She was wearing a soft purple yukata with tsubaki pattern. Her hair was braided perfrctly then rolled into a bun. A kanzashi in form of tsubaki made from glass decorate her black hair. She turned around after hearing foot step. Her purple and black eye sparkling happily. And a smile curved on her pale face lighten by the moonlight.
Kakashi couldn't hold back his tears. He ran toward her then hugged her tight in his arms not wanting to let her go.
"I'm home," whispered Naori.
Kakashi snuggled into her neck feeling grateful of her next to him.


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