Chapter Two

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Leah Darkholme.

The cab pulled up to the research facility with haste, as requested by the woman seated in the back. In under two days, Leah managed to get the soonest and quickest flight there was going to any one of the airports in Utah. From there, she was able to get a cab to Spring City, a small and secluded town-- perfect for any sort of government operation, especially if it's one run by Stryker. The bright and sunny skies were the perfect contrast to Leah's emotions. However, they did resemble the small amount of hope she felt that this would all finally be over soon enough.

After paying the driver with just enough for the fare, the brunette woman stepped out of the vehicle before all but slamming the door shut. Not long after did the cab drive off, leaving her to stare up at the building with an icy blue gaze. On the way over there, she was able to come up with a loose plan to get in and take Stryker out-- if he was there. She would find out soon enough, however, as she was quick to walk into the building-- but not before disguising herself as Doctor Benton, of course. Luckily, the man she had previously killed had the right clearance level for all areas, reassuring Leah that no matter what, Stryker couldn't run from her this time.

It was actually an accident that they ran into each other. She had been entering the main lab on the third floor while Stryker was exiting, causing the two to barely avoid a collision. William Stryker, being the pompous prick that he was, gazed up at Leah in annoyance, though that annoyance quickly subsided the moment he realized who he was facing.

"Doctor," he greeted as if he were shocked to seem him here-- which he probably was. Meanwhile, Leah had frozen the minute she saw his face. Memories came rushing back, unwanted memories of all the torment this man inflicted on her. The minute they did, however, filled Leah with the one emotion she fell victim to the most: rage. She almost couldn't contain herself. She wanted nothing more than to just slit his throat right here, right now. Although, with no plan to escape afterwards, Leah was sure that wouldn't be a good idea.

Instead, she began to formulate a different approach whilst nodding towards the man out of 'respect'. "Colonel Stryker." Benton's voice rang out.

When Stryker noticed Leah's drawn out gaze at the man, he grew concerned. "Is there anything you need?" Fuck it. Leah couldn't stand by another minute, talking to the man she so desperately wanted to kill.

And so, bystanders and all, Leah locked eyes with the man she despised and grinned. "Yes, actually, there is." She uttered out, her still being disguised as the doctor she had killed. And just as the doctor had once done to her, she pulled a gun out of her lab coat and aimed it at Stryker.

Stryker was only frozen in a state of shock for a single moment. Though that moment wasn't long enough for Leah to pull the trigger and successfully hit her target, the bullet instead firing itself into the cement wall behind him after Stryker grabbed her arm and pulled it away from himself. The minute the gun fired into the air, an alarm was tripped, causing all of the lights to turn flashing red as the building went under lockdown.

"Shit." Leah spat out as Stryker managed to get away. Her eyes never left his retreating figure, her own feet soon lifting up off the ground as she ran after him. By this point, she had shapeshifted back into her own form. Though just as she went into the stairwell behind him, a swarm of guards came out of nowhere, all geared up and aiming their guns at her.

"Freeze!" They shouted, though Leah only growled in annoyance before waving her hand nonchalantly. Just like that, all of their weapons were thrown across the hallway behind her, leaving them defenseless. Leah smirked at the thought before raising her hands and flexing them towards the floor. She could feel the ground begin to shake at the use of another mutant's power. This time, her power was able to deteriorate the very floor the guards found themselves standing on, and just by clenching her fists, the entire floor caved in. The guards all screamed as they fell into the steep hole. She knew it wouldn't kill them, but it would at least slow them down enough for her to kill Stryker.

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