Meeting Team Free Will

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Picture: Team Free Will 

I awake in a dark room, surrounded by pillows and sleeping me. I guess that Sam, Dean and I made it to our destination. There were two other guys, both sporting wings, meaning they were angels. I have wings too; they are black and red they’re about two feet across on each side. Sam was holding me possessively to him and I smile. 

“Deeeeean.” A gravely voice whines underneath Sam’s brother.

“Cassie go back to sleep.” Dean orders groggily.

“But the girl is awake.” This ‘Cassie’ replies logically.

“Sam, wake your ass up. Your monster is awake.” The green-eyed man says and my keeper rolls over, hazel eyes opening angrily at him.

“She’s not a monster.” Sam growls, kissing my cheek.

“Morning sweetheart.” He says to me. 

The fourth man groans out my mate’s name and I am immediately shoving him against a wall, my fangs a few centimeters from his life-giving vein. His wings are pinned down my one of my hands while I crush him to the wall with the other. I hear a gasp and I am being pulled off the angel with the golden wings. With great difficulty, I am restrained. A constant stream of threats and swears fall from my mouth in a loud growl. 

“Sam why is she so angry?” The angel that groaned Sam’s name asks.

“Because she marked me Gabe! She claimed me. I’m sorry babe but we are going to have to work this out.” Sam says and everything clicks.

Sam is dating this angel. I’m just a problem for them. He doesn’t want me. I should leave. Like now. Maybe The Nest would punish me with mercy this time. It’s not like I meant to mark him! I am so fucked. This angel is going to smite me and laugh as I turn to ashes! Oh fuck. Fuck!

“I would gladly allow her to be in our relationship if you want her to be. Her thoughts are quite alarming.” The angel says and I let out the breath that I wasn’t aware I was holding.

“She can? Really Gabriel?” Sam wonders in disbelief as my breathing returns to normal.

“Yes she can. Can she talk?” The angel, Gabriel, asks in a gentle voice as Sam nods. 

He walks over to me and pulls me into a soft embrace. Gabriel kisses my cheek and I hiss, shoving away from him. I am Sam’s! S-A-M-APOSTROPHE-S! I cry out and curl up on the floor in front of Sam.

“I am sorry Mate! Please forgive me.” I sob, rubbing against his legs like a cat.

“Dude is she having a mental breakdown?” Dean asks and I cry harder, wanting to please Sam.

“She needs to please you to stop it. Give her some blood. It will show her she is forgiven.” A male voice I would know anywhere replies.

“B-Benny.” I cry, wanting my brother to hold me.

I smell something spicy and distinct. Blood. Sam’s blood. I moan as a few drops fall to my mouth. Leaning up I see red. My mate holds out his bleeding hand and I moan as the vermilion liquid seeps onto my tongue. Sam moans too and I smile, knowing I pleased him. I begin to suck on his hand, wanting more blood.

“I forgive you Nova.” Sam whispers, pulling my lips from his hand to his mouth.

I moan loudly at the contact, my arms wrapping around his neck possessively as his mouth and mine collide together. Both our eyes snap closed as his hand slides down my back, right over my spine. I moan into his mouth and am silenced by his tongue slipping into my mouth, silent and stealthy like a ninja. Life is good here.

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