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pic credit goes to https://luacridcy.tumblr.com/post/176062477062

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In the mean time Juvia was taken by what seemed to be her mother into one of the guilds rooms. "You can stay here for now," meant Margaret. She snapped her fingers and some clothes appeared on the bed "Change into these."

Juvia examined the navy dress and looked puzzled at Margaret, "What exactly wanted that man from me?" She asked.

Margaret turned on her heel, "Don't worry your pretty head about it and just be a good girl for now," she meant a little strict but still managed to force a smile before she left.

Juvia just sighed.

She changed into her new clothes but the dark haired boy still couldn't get out of her head. While she undressed she noticed a blue mark on her thigh, something similar to a flame symbol. She stroke her fingers over it. The man who had tried so hard to keep Juvia in the room seemed to also have the same symbol on his chest.

"Why would he take me away from mother?" She wondered out loud and adjusted the hat Margaret gave her.

"Juvia! Don't go with her!" She remembered the mans words, "She is using you!"

Using for what, Juvia thought, of course she was willing to help her mother out. She was Lost Tesseras member.

She looked back at the symbol at her tigh and sunk her forehead... she could have sworn it was this flame symbol a second ago. But now it was a drop of water. With thorns.

She shook her head. "That's funny" she laughed to herself. "It must be that boy messing with my head." She looked at the mirror again and examined herself in it.

Clara was fighting that man. Juvia wondered if he was alright. 

Why was Clara doing that? Was he from another guild? 

He seemed to know Juvia, but she had no idea where he came from and how she woke up in his arms. Maybe she hit her head as she was on a watch... and this guy had caught her?

But why would he have said her all this stuff?

"Maybe he wanted to kidnap me?" A shiver went down her back as she thought about it but quickly chuckled at herself. 

Clara probably locked him up already. 

She should go see Mother now. Maybe she needs something.

She went out the room and made herself on the way through the corridors in search for someone. 

She was met with a sight of a boy with blonde hair who was bleeding. He was leaned on one of his hand on the wall and was looking up to her suspiciously. "Kyle!"

Juvia run up to him and threw his other arm over her shoulder, "Who did this to you?" She asked worried, "Juvia?" Kyle asked confused as he looked at her. He was almost unconcious and he didn't understand why this girl was worried for him?

Was it possible? 

"Damn Clara..., " he murmured. "What did you do this time," he thought out loud.

"Huh, Clara? She is save! Did she take care of that intruder?"

Kyle rose an eyebrow, "Intruder?"

"Yes, that dark haired man. Come on let's get you into the infirmary. Uhm-" She suddenly stopped walking as she looked ahead into the corridor realising she didn't even know where the infirmary was located.

"Leave me," Kyle pushed her away a little, "It seems this intruder has his friends with him."

"Were they the one who did this to you?"

The Amulet ▪ [Gruvia Fanfiction] ▪ BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now