Exile On Main Street

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Picture: Sam 

“Sam when did you go insane?” A gruff male voice demands.

“No clue. She has information on The Nest, so I kidnapped her.” Another male voice, that sounded more reasonable says.

“It’s not like she’s a demon Sam! We cannot torture another Hunter!” The first voice snaps.

“But she’s pretty…” The second voice whines and I feel blood rushing to my cheeks at the compliment.

“So? Are you going to try to court her and have a family or something?” The first voice teases, I’m going to call him Bert.

“Maybe! It’s none of your concern Dean!” The second voice shouts, I’m going to call him Ernie.

“So Sammy boy has a crush on the girl he napped?” Bert snickers as suddenly there was light all around me.

I hiss at the sudden light. Everything was so bright. I hear something thudding quickly, and something else thundering away like a racehorse’s hooves on a track. Somebody smelled amazing and warm. I sniff the air appreciatively, wanting more of the scent. My eyes focus on two men.

One had short, dirty blond hair and tannish skin. Golden freckles were scattered across his face. He had the greenest eyes I had ever seen, and they looked like that of a Disney princess. A little on the short side for my six-foot-one height. The man wore a Metallica t-shirt with dark washed jeans and combat boots. To finish off his outfit he had on a black leather jacket and an amulet that no doubt could find God. His t-shirt was a bit snug on him. He was hot to say the least.

My eyes travel to the other one. A gasp falls from my lips at how attractive he was. Unholy fucking shit. He had dark, shoulder-length hair that fell into his beautiful hazel eyes with tannish skin to match. A few of the same freckles from the other man were on his face as well. This guy’s dimples put Harry Styles to shame. He wore a Stanford University sweatshirt, with a pair of light washed jeans and red Converse. This guy is drop dead gorgeous. 

“Can I shove my tongue down your throat?” I blurt, looking at the taller one.

“Yes.” He replies, and the other one smacks him.

“Bad Sammy! You kidnapped her, so you can't let her do that! Get the information you need and kill her.” The shorter one says sternly.

“Buuut Dean!” Sammy whines, making me smile.

“No buts about it Sam! You can either man up, and torture her for information or have me do it.” Dean snaps angrily.

“Fine. I will do it. Go away.” Sam says. 

Dean huffs but walks out the door, leaving Sam and I alone. The racehorse sound gets louder, and the delicious scent from earlier becomes more prominent. Sam walks closer and I let out a moan of appreciation, as the scent gets even closer. He stops and looks at me quizzically. I whimper, wanting him closer so I could poke those dimples and smell him. He smelled like cinnamon and caramel and heat. Jesus I wanted to lick his neck, and bite it and claim him as mine.

“Pull yourself together Nova!” I mutter under my breath.

“Why do I feel so attracted towards you?” Sam asks, walking closer.

“Mama was a siren and inky hybrid; Daddy was a vamp. I’m a hybrid too. God I want you.” I moan out as he walks even closer.

“Your father was a vampire and your mother was an incubus-siren-hybrid? Holy shit.” He replies, leaning into my personal space bubble.

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