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Riley's p.o.v.

I'm really mite wanting to quit the e girls because that means if I don't quit I will always be near to theme I mean they bully me at school they lots of things that I just can't take.

I don't want to look back at my child hood and say nothing really but I was bullied every day at school and dance.

Emily's p.o.v.

I'm kinda worried what where they saying to my little sister I don't know what it is bit I'm going to find out.

Riley's p.o.v.

As the e girls walk in to a troop first thing I se James there Tiffany bumps me and it looks like I leaned in and kissed James he was so close.

I jump off hem and run out of the room. And my sister comes after me Kate and Chris looks confused because they didn't see what happend.

Emily's p.o.v.

I don't get it what's with Riley runing out of a troop crying do Tiffany and Stephanie where beside her and she left before Tiffany,Stephanie where I'm b troop with her.

This most be something with Tiffany and Stephanie because that's all the close that in swing write now I can see Tiffany doing it but Stephanie that's weird.

Riley come down I say as tears rugs down her face.

What's wrong what happens tell me anything what happens now go what's wrong in worried Riley just come down ok?

"I-I-it-it's them it's always then from when I was in baby ballet.

It's who ri. ri is my nick name for her.

It's Tiffany and Stephanie and it's been going in for quiet a while.

Well they mite learn there lesson.

Riley come on Stephanie.

Well bit really Stephanie Tiffany does all the talking Stephanie just stands there looking all sassy.

Ya sounds like her.

Cone on Ri your better than this let's go back in there and show Tiffany what your worth of.

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