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Lou woke up the next morning realizing that he was not in his house, but now in a very familiar house.

"That's peculiar." Lou spoke out, his voice was different, it had an accent, a country one at that.

"Ox! This is some kind of joke right?!" Lou yelled out, he was in Ox's living room, and he sounded exactly like ox.

Lou went to touch his blonde hair but realized it wasn't there.

"I've gone bald!" He screamed horrified.

Lou hopped out of his seat Breathing heavily, he ran to the closest mirror.

He let out a louder scream realizing he was Ox.

"This is witchcraft! I'm scared- I don't know what to do." He held his head as he fell on his knees.

"I-I can't see properly- you know what Louis there is absolutely no need to panic- just find Ox, who is most likely me- and everything will be fine-"

Lou ran to the entrance of Ox's house, he opened the door and ran out.

Lou was sweating heavily, he was extremely nervous, and he hoped nobody would see him.

"Hey Ox!" A voice called out to Lou.

Lou stopped in his tracks as he saw Moxy.

"M-Moxy... hello.." he smiled uncomfortably.

Moxy walked up and grabbed Lou's hand, "How's my favourite special best friend doing !" She kissed him on the cheek.

Lou quickly moved his face and scoffed, "I'm doing horrible I can't talk right now, I might be in a better mood later." He spat.

Moxy watched as Lou angrily walked off, she frowned.

Lou walked to his house and knocked on the door.

"OXFORD OPEN UP!!" He screamed

There was silence for a few moments.

The door flung open revealing Ox, who was Lou.

"LOUIS WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Ox yelled angrily.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING !" Lou yelled back.



"Okay. Fair point." Ox nodded.

Lou nodded back.

"So how are we gonna fix this? People can't know about this."


"Our reputation Ox! And people might panic thinking they might switch too!"

"Alright, Alright,"

"This is so bad-" Lou began to panic.

"Alright- we both need to relax," Ox sighed.

"Oh yes! I can totally relax! I'm small and hideous !"

Ox squinted.

"S-sorry-" he rubbed the back of his head.

"Let's just figure things out one step at a time..." Ox sighed.

"Mind if I come inside- oh haha ! Wait why am I asking this is my house." Lou facepalmed and entered.

Ox followed him in.

"Why don't we discuss this over some tea perhaps ?" Lou suggested.

"Sounds Alright to me." Ox shrugged.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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Switched [Uglydolls fan-fiction]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang