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 a g e  t w e n t yT H E   P R E S E N T━━━━━━

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a g e  t w e n t y
T H E   P R E S E N T

"When do you have to catch your flight?"

"I need to be at the airport in two hours."

"And you just started packing now?"

Kendra sighs before letting out a small laugh and shoving another shirt into her suitcase. Kendra held off packing for weeks now. She wants to say it's because she's too lazy and was too busy, but truthfully, she wanted to hold off going back home to Washington as much as she could. For her first two years of university at UCLA, Kendra moved into an apartment close to campus. Kendra loves LA, the people, the food, the weather, it was all something she loved. Don't get her wrong, she loves home much more than LA and would even visit whenever she was free. But going back home this summer will be different.
This time it won't be the same with him.

"Some of us are actually busy, unlike some people..." Kendra jokes to Avery.

"Hey! I'll let you know, my gap year has been pretty eventful." Avery huffs through Kendra's laptop which sits on her desk.

The two friends have been facetiming for the past hour and Avery has been talking non stop about her recent trip to Europe.

"I know, I know. Anyways, who's already back home?" Kendra asks as she begins to shove clothes into her suitcase as time begins to run down.

"Well for now it's just me, Bryant, and Abe." Kendra's mood boots up at the sound of her best friends names. She's missed them all dearly and has only gotten to talk to them through her phone.

"I miss those assholes." Kendra replies and Avery groans.

"Bryant is so damn annoying though, when I picked his ass up from the airport he started talking shit about me." Avery hissed out causing Kendra to smile.

Bryant and Avery have always gotten under each others skin ever since high school. The both of them were strong leaders, and when the two met, it was automatic competition. But secretly, everyone sees their banter as cute and playful and bets the two will end up falling in love.

"Y'all are too damn cute." Kendra says with a bight smile and Avery groans.

"Shut up, if I had one bullet and Bryant and Trump were in the same room, I'd shoot Bryant."

"Okay, that's slightly funny but fucked up."

"Just like Bryant! But hey, don't you dare talk about how Bryant and I are cute when you and Abe could have been cute!"

Kendra couldnt help but roll her eyes when hearing that. Abe is Jenika's, Kendra and Avery's other best friend, older brother. Abe had always had a bit of a crush on Kendra, but whenever the girls would tell Kendra she would never believe them. Kendra just couldn't wrap the idea of someone like Abe, the most popular guy she knows who's set to play in the NBA, being someone who likes her.

"Abe doesn't like me, you're just trippin." Kendra sighs as she zips up her now filled suitcase.

"Oh yeah, that's right! You're still hung up over Carter, too bad our so called best friend stole him from you. Humph, what a bitch. Ever since she got together with Carter, it's as if we don't exists to her." Avery comments causing Kendra to let out a frusturated sigh.

"First off, I'm not hung up over Carter. And Jenika didn't steal him from me, we were just best friends, how could she steal something that was never mine?" Kendra questions and lets out a huff as she drags her suitcase to her bedroom door.

"Let's be real here Ken, Carter and you have feelings tow-"

"No we don't. If we did, we'd be together right now, but he's with her. I'm over it, we're not friends anymore and I just wanna look past them, so just drop it." Kendra suddenly snaps.


"Sorry Ave, I just- can we just drop the topic please?"

"Sure, anything for you."

"So, you still picking me up from the airport?" Kendra asks as she steers away from their earlier conversation.

"Of course, I miss your dumbass so much."

"Good, becaus-" Kendra was cut off by her phone chiming signalling that she's got a text.

"Hold up, let me check this." Kendra says as she makes her way to her bedside table and unplugs her phone from its charger.

Without checking her phone yet, Kendra makes her way back to her desk and sits in front of her laptop camera.

"Who is it?" Avery asks as Kendra sits.

"Hold on I didn't che-"

Kendra cuts her own sentence short when she opens her phone and spots an all too familiar name displayed on her screen. Her hands begin to tremble and it becomes harder to breathe, she can't believe it. The boy who caused her the most pain, the most tears, and the most heartbreak, was texting her after everything he said.

"Ken? Kendra? What the fuck, who texted you?" Avery asked slightly panicked which was enough to snap Kendra out of her daze.

"You'll never believe it." Kendra says almost as a breath.

"What? Who is it?"

"After all he said, after all this time, he had to text me..."

"Kendra holy shit just say who it is!"

"Carter, Carter hart texted me."

"Holy shit."

Alright ladies and Gents, this little scene will be more elaborated  by the end of the book, so stay tuned!

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Alright ladies and Gents, this little scene will be more elaborated by the end of the book, so stay tuned!

From here on out, well until the end of the book, the story will be set in the past. As I said, it will showcase the relationship Kendra and Carter had and how it ended. So please be patient with the updates, I'm really trying my best here.

I love y'all.

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