Chapter 12

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I AM VERY SORRY FOR THE VERY LONG WAIT. I was very busy because of my school work and I just got home from my three-day vacation. And I honestly don't know if there are some of you who are waiting for this chapter. I don't even know if you still like the story

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Soo, here's the long awaited chapter 12.


Chapter 12: Zara, darling

 As soon as we got home, I changed into some black cotton shorts, a white Jack Wills hoodie and flip flops. And decided to have a stroll on the beach. I hear the waves crashing down the shore, and started walking towards it. I felt the damp sand on my feet and soon, the salty water against it. I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of the beach and in that moment, I felt like I was in peace.

But then again, I wasn't.

How the heck am I going to tell Harry that the love of his life cheated on him? I mean, is cheating. And doesn't really care about him, but just using him for his fame and money? Harry buys Bella almost everything she wants. And she easily gets fame because she's Harry's girl.

 Who knows what would Bella do to me if I tell Harry. I'm not being a coward but who knows what she could do? She had the courage to make a pop star fall in love with her and still cheat on him and use him. What if she tries to run me over by hiring someone or what?

Yes, I know, I'm exaggerating.

And then there's Zayn. He tried to kiss me earlier when he knows that I have feelings for Harry. Maybe he's just drunk? Or was it the real Zayn, like the Zayn whom I think has feelings for me? 'Cause you know, some people are honest with everything when they're drunk.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone. "Mind telling me what happened back there?" I slowly opened my eyes and tilted my head to the side to see who it was. Issa was wearing a gray hoodie from Niall, cotton shorts and white flip flops.

She walked to my side and nudged me with her elbow. I brought my gaze back to the ocean and explained everything that happened. Everything.

Except what happened between me and Bella.

"Well, have you talked to him yet?" Issa asked and I shook my head. "Maybe tomorrow. I just want to relax and not think about anything for now." I rubbed both my arms and exhaled deeply. "Well, I'm off to bed. I'm knackered." I started walking away and towards the house. "You coming?" I asked Issa. She was in the same postition I was earlier. But she didn't look at me nor respond.

"Issa," I called. She winced and looked at me. "Yeah?" "You coming?" she nodded and jogged next to me and we both went inside the house. Once we got in, we said our good nights to each other and I went upstairs while she stayed with Niall in the kitchen.

As I was walking through the hall to my room, I heard moaning from Harry and Bella's room which was beside mine. Uggh. They're doing it. I rolled my eyes as opened the door to my room and walked inside. I 'dived' on my bed and stayed on that postition. After a minute, I rolled over to the side and hugged a pillow to my chest, thinking about everything, everything that happened. And figuring out how will I tell Harry about Bella. I don't want him to be hurt. Of course, he's my best friend. My best friend that I love.

 Sighing, I stood up and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I changed into my pj's and decided to write to Charlie. I walked to the desk, grabbed my notebook and a pen. I sat down on the chair and started writing.

'Hey Charlie, Yeah. We just got home from the club and the couple is doing 'it' again. I wrote as I rolled my eyes. Ha. I know right. They just don't get tired from doing 'it. You know, I think that Harry is soo 'in' to this girl just because he has fun doing it with her. Or mayber he's really in love? I don't know. But all I know is that Zayn tried to kiss me earlier at the club and well, I dodged the kiss. I just don't feel the same way. So why should I, right? '

In love with my best friend, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now