Chapter Six

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He closed the door and heard it lock behind him and knew that the door was hidden again. He looked around the room. It was a bedroom but it wasn't Rose's. "Koschei. I knew you'd find me." She was curled in on herself on the bed. "Where are we? Whose room is this?" he asked her.

"This is the room the TARDIS made for you." She finally looked up at him and he felt something twist inside him at the tears streaking down her face. He didn't look anywhere but at her as her walked over and sat down pulling her onto his lap. He switched to telepathy. "He's just being an ass Rose Tyler. He'll come around. You know, I never planned on bonding with anyone? Since the second you walked into the room to save me my life has been turned upside down. You're a puzzle that I want to figure out. I want to know how to both take you apart and put you back together. And despite me never wanting it before, I find myself wanting to finish the bond with you, my golden goddess."

She laughed. "Don't go getting all sappy on me. I am sorry to have trapped you in this. It wasn't my intention." Koschei knew that she meant it. She'd rather go off to face whatever was coming alone than force him or the Doctor into something that they didn't want. "And I don't know you well enough... Well not long enough to finish the bond yet. But you can tie our timelines together now." He closed his eyes and reached out and found their timelines and tied them together, a series of intricate knots and twists until they became one, his red twisted around and into her gold. "She's just golden everywhere." Rose smiled and cuddled into him even more. "Rose. You told the Doctor that he didn't need to know everything. You know more than you're saying. What haven't you told us?" He felt her pull away slightly mentally and wondered at that. "Rose...?" She held up her hand as she closed her eyes and tilted her head as if listening to someone else talking to her. Suddenly he realized that she was. She was conversing with Bad Wolf in her mind. "He's more perceptive than I realized. He's not going to accept that you don't know anything. Tell him to meet me. I can explain." Bad Wolf was stretching as she waited for him to enter her human's mind so she could talk to him.

"Koschei." Rose allowed him back in and explained. "Bad Wolf wants to talk to you. There are things that I can't talk about but she can. She's waiting for you." Then she pulled him into her mind, leading to the golden glow in the back of her mind. He saw a golden wolf. He was only mildly surprised when she started talking to him.

"Koschei, my human cannot tell you what you wish to know. You and Theta were created for her. She was created for the both of you. The Time Lord Rassillon should not have overstepped the boundaries I gave him and put the drums inside your head. So I sent my Rose to save you, so that you can save her when she needs saving. Be careful Koschei. A storm is coming and it's imperative that my human stays safe. Others will seek to use her for our power. You must protect her since she is incapable of staying away from trouble. I believe the term "jeopardy friendly" is what the Doctor uses for her." Koschei snorted. He'd realized that she ran straight into danger the instant that she pulled him away from the Doctor to save him. Not even the Doctor would attempt to enter his mind. And that led to him wondering about his mate and the Doctor. "It's obvious that she and the Doctor have feelings for each other. What does she need me for? I could protect her without her being forced into being my mate."

"Remember that even if I hadn't started the bond with you she still would have wanted you. The Doctor helps to ground her, helps her to keep her empathetic and compassionate nature. You'll be able to show her that she's powerful and intelligent all on her own. She can help temper the cruel streak you have. I'll warn you though, she's already been through hell so don't hurt her. She's mine and I will protect my pack. We will protect you and the Doctor unless either of you become unworthy of being part of the pack. Any questions?" Koschei looked into the wolf's eyes. "Yes. She's my mate so I couldn't hurt her even if I wanted to. But what do you mean that she's been through hell?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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