Chapter Two

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Rose opened her eyes and found that she was right next to the TARDIS. She went inside and gasped. She had been cannibalized and Rose could feel her pain. She dropped her bag and as she left she whispered an apology. "Just save our Thief and the Master. I'll be okay until you get back. Hurry, there's not much time." Rose nodded and followed the sound of drumming she heard. She was running by the time she reached the double doors. She paused, looking in the window and saw a blonde woman with a gun. She pulled open the door and ran to the Time Lord that the Doctor was holding. "I can help." Her voice was quiet but as soon as she spoke she could hear that all sound in the room had stopped. "Give him to me Doctor. Hurry up before it's too late." Rose dropped to the floor, sitting down cross legged and pulled the Time Lord from the Doctor. She looked down at the Conqueror, that was what Bad Wolf called him. He was quite good looking, in a boyish way. Short blonde hair, hazel eyes and a round face. He looked fit too. She dragged her eyes back to his and found him watching her warily. "You're Rose Tyler." She nodded. "I am. I want to save you. Please let me. I can get rid of the drums." He stared at her then nodded slowly. She leaned over him so that her hair formed a curtain over them. She put her fingers to his temples and rested her forehead against his. Their breath mingled and she carefully slipped into his mind once he opened to her. She felt Bad Wolf searching for his injuries and healing him. Rose was looking for something else. She followed the drumbeat until she found a hidden room in the back of his mind. Suddenly he was standing next to her, holding her hand. She looked at him, surprised. "What is it? I need to get in there." Suddenly he morphed into someone else and the hand in hers moved to grab her wrist, twisting it and making her cry out in his mind. "Let me go!" Rose growled. The man, Time Lord her mind supplied, laughed at her. "Stupid little ape. As if you have any control. He is ours. You had better go before you get hurt." Rose glared at this arrogant alien. She felt wisps of Bad Wolf flowing back to her. "Let me think about that." She tilted her head slightly, pretending to think. "No. He is ours. You cannot have him. You've tortured him long enough. We protect what's ours so you can just sod off, otherwise you may get hurt." Rose felt someone standing just behind her. When the Time Lord who was squeezing her wrist just laughed at her she sent tendrils of her golden power to her wrist, burning his fingers. He quickly let her go and glared at her. The person behind her stepped to her side and she did a double take. It was her new Time Lord but he looked a little bit different. She just couldn't quite figure out what was different. She shrugged and turned back to the more threatening figure. "Before I kick your ass out of his head, who the bloody hell are you?" Both men raised their eyebrows at her. She raised one of hers back at them and crossed her arms across her chest. "I am Rassillon. He is the Master and he belongs to me." Rose sighed.
"What was it with these aggravating Time Lords? Why do they all seem to feel the need to possess someone else?" At the Master's chuckle she realized that she must have let those thoughts slip. She rolled her eyes at him.
"Well it's true, at least as far as I can tell. You all have a major possessive streak and believe me, it can be irritating." Rassillon stepped towards her and the Master stepped in front of her. She looked up at him. Then she reached out and pulled him back. She started walking casually towards the door. When Rassillon stepped in front of it she waved her hand and he disappeared. She stepped through the door and sent in gold light. The drums stopped and a soothing melody took its place. She turned to look at him then. "I'm sorry I can't leave you with no sound. After centuries of the drumbeat you'd go mad without background noise." Rose walked up to him, pulled his head down to her and kissed his forehead. As she stepped back he pulled her to him and kissed her breathless. She blinked at him, stunned. Then she shook her head and left his mind... Only to find that he'd followed her into her mind. "Your mind is all golden and bright. Mine is dark and sharp. Can I stay here for awhile?" Rose looked up at him. She walked down a hallway, closing a few doors. She felt him moving to the opposite side as her Bad Wolf room. She followed him, wondering what he was doing. He was inspecting a door that was closed with chains and sharp spikes sticking out of it. He turned to look at her. "Why do you have this room so guarded?" She shrugged. She knew of course but she refused to think about it. "Don't want to think about it or have anyone else see. It doesn't matter anyway. It's time for you to go now." She sent him out the door and put her shields back up. She pulled away from him completely and gently pushed him off her lap before standing. She pulled him up to his feet. "Wait here a minute please. I'll walk you to the TARDIS in a minute." She looked into the Conqueror's eyes and waited for him to nod. She had seen Captain Jack Harkness, one of her best mates. She ran to him. He met her halfway and picked her up in a hug, swinging around in a circle. Then he set her on her feet and gave her a big kiss right on the mouth. He quickly pulled away when they heard growls coming from two different mouths. "Really Rosie? I know that you like strays but are you really planning on keeping the Master?" He sounded exasperated. She looked over her shoulder to see both Time Lords glaring at Jack. "Oh for goodness sake you two. Could you please stop the glaring? I'm trying to say hello to my best mate." She turned her back on them. "Here's my number. Call me and we'll catch up. I'd better go deal with Possessive," she pointed at the Master, "and Mixed Signals over there." This time she pointed at the Doctor. "Talk to you soon." She leaned up and kissed his cheek. She turned and ran back to her Time Lords. "Doctor..." she looked up into his chocolate brown puppy dog eyes. He still had a bit of Oncoming Storm in his eyes. She sighed. She should have known that he'd be angry. "Look, I know we need to talk. But how about you say your goodbyes and I'll see you in the TARDIS, alright? I'm a bit knackered." After a long moment he nodded. Relieved she turned to the Conqueror. She faltered for a second under his glare then she straightened her shoulders and rolled her eyes. "Will you walk me to the TARDIS?" He raised an eyebrow. "Do I really have a choice?" She smiled her tongue in tooth smile, catching his eyes glance down at her mouth and then back up, eyes a little darker. "Sure. You can stay here but I'm much better company. You may prefer to come with me rather than having to wait around to be imprisoned. Your choice." She turned and started walking towards the doors. She didn't look to see if he was following. She could feel him. She continued walking until she reached the TARDIS. Once she arrived she turned to smile at him. "Come on in. Just don't go near the console or she might shock you." She stepped inside greeting the ship quietly. Once they were both inside with the door closed she told him that he could take his hand cuffs off. "I can't, they're behind my back," he said with a raised eyebrow. She giggled. "I bet you had them off halfway here, if not sooner. Go ahead." He stared at her, curious but hiding it. Then he shrugged and held the handcuffs out to her. "You want these?" he asked with a lascivious smile. She gave him her tongue in tooth smile and raised an eyebrow. "Maybe later. I want to know why you call yourself Master. It's not what I'll be calling you. I've also heard you called the Conqueror. Tell me, Mr. Harold Saxon, why I keep hearing the second name for you." She walked toward him until she was about a foot away from him. His mind was reeling. This girl seemed to know more about him than he was comfortable with. He was irritated that she threw him off his game. He stepped forward until he was invading her personal space. "No, I think that I'd rather kiss you." He pulled her so that she was flush against him and looked into her eyes. They were slightly amused and held challenge in them, but no fear. He wasn't one to back down from a challenge. He slanted his mouth over hers and swept his tongue inside. She met his tongue and they battled for dominance. Her hands moved to his chest and she gripped his suit jacket tightly as she pushed closer to him. He pulled away and stumbled back, staring at her in awe. "Aren't you worried about what the Doctor will say?" She clenched her jaw, grabbed her bag and left, apparently going to her room.

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