Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, or the actors, although I wouldn't object to getting my hands on some of them

The Goddess stretched, looking across time. Suddenly she frowned. Looked closer at a particular moment. That wasn’t right. She wasn’t supposed to be in a parallel world and he wasn’t supposed to be facing the other without her by his side. She was supposed to be the one who saved both of them. “Time to go fix this. Before the other one destroys the universe.” She smiled as she stepped out of the celestial world she lived in and out into the parallel world that her human half called Pete’s World.
Rose Tyler blinked her eyes as a golden light began to appear in front of her. “What was going on this time??” she thought. As the gold light faded out she saw a beautiful golden wolf. “Well, who are you, then? And how can I help you?” She asked the creature. She was surprised to feel a knock on her mental door. She shouldn’t have been but she was. “How’d you expect a wolf to talk to you?” She berated herself. She ‘answered’ the door and a golden light swept in, stopping in what Rose thought of as the foyer in her mind. “Hello,” Rose greeted the creature.
“Hello, Rose Tyler. I have come because time has somehow been altered. You don’t belong here. I can bring you back to your real world. But I will need your help once you’ve arrived. Do you want to go home Rose Tyler?”
“Who are you and how do you know who I am? I don’t even go by Rose Tyler here anymore. And of course I want to go home; I know that I don’t belong here. But before I agree to anything I want answers.”
I am the other half of you. You are my Rose Tyler, my human. I am your Bad Wolf, the Time Goddess. We are both separate and the same. Our Thief and my daughter are in trouble. There is another like the Oncoming Storm, only he has been driven mad by the drumbeat in his head. He can be saved but we have to hurry. The Time Lords will be returning and it will take both the Oncoming Storm and the Conqueror to send them back forever. If they don’t succeed then the multiverse and even time will cease to exist. They both need you. Need us. Will you help?”
“I will. But can I say goodbye first? Do I have to go right now?”
“I will give you today to say goodbye and you may take a bag with you. In the meantime, may I come in farther? I have to mingle with the part of me that resides in the back of your mind.”
Rose nodded. “Yes.”  She was excited to go, but sad to leave her family. If today was all she had with them she would find her camera and take lots of pictures so that she could look back and remember them. She felt Bad Wolf reenter her mind and make herself at home in the very back room, one that Rose tried to keep locked tight. Rose went to her apartment, calling Mickey as she went and asked him to meet her there. He agreed and when Rose arrived at her door he was already waiting for her. “Heya Micks. Come on in. I have to talk to you and I could use some help.” He looked at her with concern. “Sure thing, babe. Anything you need.” They went inside and Rose went straight to the kitchen to start the tea. Mickey sat down at the kitchen table, waiting. Rose brought over the tea and they sat with their mugs. Both were silent for a few minutes before Rose started to speak. She told him that she was finally, after five years, going home. She explained about Bad Wolf and what she said about the multiverse being at stake again. Then she explained that she only had today to say her goodbyes and get her affairs in order. She looked at him and asked him if he could help her get everything straightened out before she left. “Anything you need, babe.” He promised. She smiled at him. “Right then. I want you to take over my team. I'll talk to Pete about it. Also, I need you to set up a trust fund for Tony. I’ll give you power of attorney so that you can take care of any legal matters that may arise. I trust you. You know me better than almost anyone. I’ll write up what I can think of and give it to you, alright?” She asked. He nodded. “Then let’s go.” They headed to town in Mickey’s truck and set up the things she needed to. When they got back he helped her pack up the most important things she wanted to take with her and find her camera, along with several extra rolls of film and batteries. “Alright, let’s go see Pete.” They left and Mickey drove her to Torchwood. Rose went straight to the director’s office and knocked as she walked in, closing the door behind her. Mickey, on the other hand, headed to where their team was going to be meeting. After Rose explained everything to Pete he hugged her and agreed that Mickey would be an excellent team leader. Then he looked at her with fear on his face. “What?” she asked.
“Have you told your mother yet?” Rose’s face blanched.
“Um, no, not yet.  Was going there once I finish up here.”
Pete frowned. “Oh bloody hell. She’s going to kill me.”
Rose laughed and asked if she could take a few pictures. He smiled and agreed. She used up a few minutes and took a few funny pictures of Pete and a couple of the two of them together. When she turned to leave he called her back and hugged her tightly, much to her surprise. “I know that I’m not your real father but I want you to know that I do love you. And I’m so proud of you. I’ll make sure that I frame these,” he held up his phone which he had used to take a few pictures of her and also both of them, “so that Tony will never forget his big sister.” Rose hugged him again and headed down to see her team. Time to say goodbye and establish Mickey as the leader. An hour later, after a lot of hugs, laughter, tears and pictures, Rose and Mickey left so that he could drop her off at her parents’ house. “Goodbye Micks. I love you. I hope you know that. I always have. You’re my best mate. And thank you for keeping an eye on everything for me.” She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. “I know, I love you too. I’ll keep an eye on the family. Goodbye. Go be happy.”
“I don’t think that I’ll be happy for a while. It sounds like I’m going to be up to my ears in Time Lords,” she rolled her eyes, “and none of them are entirely sane.” They laughed, she grabbed her bag and headed inside her parents’ house. As soon as she walked in she heard her brother chatting with her mum and followed the voices to the living room. Rose set her bag down and took a picture of Tony and their mum playing with his new matchbox cars. “No, Mum, this is a cement truck. That one is a bulldozer,” Tony explained excitedly to their mum. She looked up and saw Rose. Something must have shown on Rose’s face because she hurried over to Rose telling Tony to stay there for a few minutes. Rose looked her mum over. Jackie Tyler was a bottle blonde with blue eyes and an hourglass figure. She was wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt in hot pink. Rose smiled. “Hey Mum, smile!” Rose said just as she took a picture of her. “Rose! I wasn’t expecting you! Let’s go have a cuppa.” Jackie herded Rose into the kitchen, made the tea and sat down across from Rose with her own. Then they talked about inconsequential things, catching up. Rose took another picture just as she explained that she was leaving to go back home and to explain why she was doing it. Jackie shocked Rose when she took the news fairly calmly. “Mum?” Rose asked. “Are you alright?”
Jackie rolled her eyes. “Course I’m alright. I always knew that this day was coming. I’ve been ready for you to tell me you’re leaving for the last couple of years. I’ll miss you of course but you aren’t happy here. Never have been. I want you to be happy. And we’ll make sure that Tony doesn’t forget you. So are you staying here tonight? We can have a nice family dinner and take some family photos. Yeah?” Rose nodded, tears in her eyes. She’d miss her mum the most. It was just her and Jackie for the first nineteen years of Rose’s life. Then the Doctor had entered their life and he became family. Now Rose was twenty-six years old and other than losing her baby fat due to the running and training with Torchwood she looked much the same. Just more mature. Instead of the bleach blonde hair she used to have her hair was now shoulder length and honey blonde. Her eyes were whiskey colored, except for rare occasions when flecks of gold could be seen swirling around in them. She wore her makeup more subtly now and she tended to wear clothes that were both serviceable and elegant. She’d grown up and matured but hadn’t really aged since the Bad Wolf incident on Satellite 5. She wondered if she could ask Bad Wolf about it or if she wouldn’t hear.
“I am part of you. I can hear you if you talk to me. I won’t listen to your thoughts unless you are talking directly to me. Now what did you need to know?”
“Why haven’t I been aging? I’m not complaining of course but it’s odd considering that I’m human.”
“Well…. You’re not fully human anymore. You’re part human, part time vortex. The time vortex is what changed your DNA just enough to ensure that you can’t burn out with me here. You’ll heal faster, scar less and basically have more in common with your Time Lords than your mum.”
“Wait. My Time Lords? With an ‘s' as in multiple? I can barely handle the Doctor, why saddle me with another Time Lord?”
“The Conqueror will be as dear to you as the Doctor is. He needs you to heal him. The universe will be better with the three of you together. And you will need him as well. He will be able to help you when you need it most and the Oncoming Storm cannot help. They are two halves of the same coin. Each will appeal to a different part of you. And you do very well handling your Time Lord. He’s pretty much wrapped around your finger.”
“Yeah something tells me that the Doctor isn’t going to want to share. And if the Conqueror is anything like the Doctor then neither will he.”
“When the time comes they will agree to it.”
Rose sighed. Then she pulled her attention back to her Mum’s chatter. They finished their tea and went to join Tony in the living room. Rose and Jackie took loads of pictures and they played with Tony and his cars until Pete came back home. Then they had dinner, fish and chips (Rose’s favorite), and had one of the staff take several photos of them all with Rose’s camera and all three cell phones. All in all it was a fun evening and Rose was glad that she had been able to spend time with the people she loved here before she left. Around 8PM Tony started yawning so Rose offered to tuck him in bed. As she walked with him to his room she had explained that she had to go away on a mission and didn’t know when she would be able to come back home. It was something that he was used to; she often had to go away on some mission or another and was gone for days to weeks. She read him three stories and hugged and kissed him goodbye. “I love you Tony Tiger. I’ll see you soon.” He smiled sleepily at her and held his hand out to her. “I love you too Rosie. Will you stay until I fall asleep please?”
“Sure kiddo. Scooch over.” Tony moved over and Rose laid down next to him and opened her arms so that he could cuddle with her. She slipped her phone out and took a picture of them as he fell asleep. About twenty minutes later Rose was heading down to watch a movie with her parents. They all curled up on the couch, Rose in the middle, and sat watching old movies and eating popcorn. As the night went on Rose started to feel very warm. She decided she needed a drink so she went to get a glass of water. Suddenly the Bad Wolf started speaking urgently to Rose. “We have to go now. The Conqueror has been hurt. That wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Alright. Give me a minute to say goodbye.” Rose grabbed her bag, throwing her cell phone and camera into it, put her coat on and hugged her parents goodbye. “I love you both. I have to go right now. Something has changed. I have to leave while I can.”
“Good luck sweetheart. We love you.” Jackie told her and Rose ran until she reached the place where she was told to stop. Gold light enveloped her and she disappeared.

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