1: The boy with Cancer called Ashton Irwin

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'Hey Barbra' I called with a smile as I approached the front desk with a frustrated Barbra sitting behind it, looking up through her glasses she smiled greatly.

'Luke! Sweetie hi' She dropped the paper from her hands, strewing them about blatantly. Her eyebrows furrowed as a loud sigh slipped, grabbing the bridge of her nose she forced a weak smile up. 

'How've you been sweetheart?' She asks soothingly, looking up with a sad look to her normally happy Barb that I grew to adore. 

'I'm good-better than you by the looks!' I laugh out, Barbra following with a small breath exhaling from her lips as she let her head sink between her shoulders.

' We have a new patient..'  she sighed, picking up paper and looking under it, shoving them around till she found the right one. It was always stressful when a new patient arrives, so much paperwork-room swapping, I could see it affecting her with the purple bags displayed underneath her eyes.

'Really, who?' I grinned as an odd flutter erupted, can't helping the large grin spreading on my lips as I lent over the desk. Someone new to talk to was always exciting, no matter the age.

'It's a boy' she winked jokingly as she handed me a piece of paper in her shaky arthritic hands. Rolling my eyes at her wonky smirk, I took it between my fingers and read allowed as my eyes traced the typed wording.

'Ashton Irwin-sixteen, has..' my eyes grew at the next words I choked to get out, my mouth suddenly felt dry, almost as though I had swallowed a mouth full of sand. I forced out the words I couldn't comprehend.

' Cancer?'  I managed to croak out, looking up at Barbra with an expressionless look plastered on my face. She shrugged slightly, sighing as she dipped her head back down and began speaking.

'Lung cancer. Thought that maybe you could talk to him you know-'bout the whole thing. Try and help him cope with it all and whatnot. He's been diagnosed since he was nine, but the kid he's just too stubborn to listen to any who talks about it'  She huffed, watching out of the corner of my eye as she briefly glanced up at me with the corners of her mouth quivering slightly.

I was so in love with the idea of another cancer patient to help, so intrigued as to know his story and his dark past. I wanted to learn his story, how he fought-how he is now. I needed to find out about him.  I had a small image of what he may look like, a short bright blonde haired boy-hazel eyes with a beautiful smile.

' Wow, I've just-I've never spoken to another cancer kid my age-I....'  The words were paused, they trailed off as I fought to find more words to fix my speechless mind.

'He's not doing so great Luke darling, he's-' Barb glanced around her surroundings before leaning in slightly across her desk to gently speak in a tone softer and lower to her original.

'He's fallen into a state of deep depression to the point were he's refusing to even touch food-all of his 'no eating' habit isn't really helping with the fact that he might get even more ill from the his empty belly. He's just not in a good state' She continued talking, but I zoned out of her words and focused in on the letters my eyes scattered over. He sounds like a hand full, yeah? But I love a challenge, I can understand him-all I want is to help him.

'When will he be in?' I mumbled, peering up off the paper to Barbra who glanced up quickly yet again only to look back down to check around her messy desk for the sheet of paper it the information was written on.

'Sweetie he's-'                                                                                                                                          Barbra's crackly voice was cut off by a loud cry.

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