4 : Green and smelly

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'Can I go back now...?' I shot him a glare followed with a scoff.

'You've been out here for less then a minute, and you've been sitting the whole time aswell!'

'Hey, walking is a lot of effort!' He shook his hand at me slouching back into the metal chair, shutting his eyes as leaning his head back with a sigh.

'Ash..' I sighed as I placed my hands on my hips, starring down at the boy pretending to be sleeping as small white puffs of air escaped his lips from the coldness around us. Know answer came, so me being the impashiont person I am got mad.

'Ash?!' I kicked his foot with my own as I got more angry with him smirking as he purposely ignored me.

'I'm leaving now, so-' His eyes shot open as he went to get up but just grunted when he heard me laughing. He growled, sinking himself back down with a pissed look.

'You're so gullible! Like i'd leave you alone!' I laughed plonking myself down on the seat across from him on the cold metal. I looked directly at him as i watched his curls blow in the shivering wind.

'I hope you never do..' The faint mumble of Ashton was in a almost whisper, yet I still heard it. I heard it clearly, but didn't know if I was imagining it or if It really did juts come out of his mouth. My stomach sank as I asked.


'Nothing!' Ashton gushed out, suspiciously I nodded and turned away. I know what I heard, I heard it I-

He said it...

I shivered slightly as I looked up at the grey sky covering us, the weather changed dramatically in a matter of minutes. The once warming sun turned into thick clouds taking over every bit of blue there was. The deep exhale of Ashton had be turning for him, quick enough to have seen  him shivering quietly to himself.

'Here..' I mumbled sliding the leather off of my shoulders and arms as I stood to shake it off of me. The coldness instantly sending my skin into a dotty rash of gooseflesh, but I didn't mind.

'No, no seriously I'm fine-honestly I'm-' I placed the coat over his exposed shoulders as he looked up at me in a cheeky smile, almost a pout. I gave a quick wink before I stepped back to look at him.

'It looks good!' He laughed, grabbing at my jackets sleeves.

'So...' i said leaning forward in the seat to rest my elbows on the glass underneath me.

'So what?' he asked turning to me.

'So' i stretched out the 'o'

'Tell me your story!' He rolled his eyes at me, giving me a smirk that matched well with his 'are you serious' look.

'The depressing one of my Cancer or the depressing one of my life?' -there's that sarcasm I hadn't missed. My smile dropped, he's so stubborn-how!?

'Your life! Everything about you! Exciting and creepy!' Ashton laughed.

'There honestly isn't much to me..' He mumbled down, red rising to his pale blue face marked in blue sickly veins, only increasing the red gleam.

'There's alot to you! Things I've seen and want to know more about!' I watched him as he buried his head down into his shoulders that caved in around him, my eyes drawn to the white fog he breathed out.

'We'll..' he breathed, sighing along with his drawy words.

'I'm not one of the most exciting seventeen year-old boys in the world, music is probably the only thing that I respect on this planet!' I nodded my head slowly trying to take in what he just said.

I understood where he was going. Music was the only thing that comforted me during this time as well.

'Same, when i was battling it i felt the same. The fact that I could be crying and hating my life and once I put my headphones in I instantly become numb and happy' He laughed, my head snapped to see him licking his dry purple lips.

'You know you don't have to agree with everything I say? Did they pay you too, or threaten to take your newborn baby away from you!?' I laughed at his serious look that hid the smile slowly appearing as I hung my head.

'You're very stubborn, aren't you?' I stated, peering up as I rub my cold knuckles.

'You're very handsome- but you don't hear me complaining about that!' My mouth dropped slightly as I starred at him, he gently kicked a stone with his bare feet completely avoiding me after his words.

His revealed skinny legs where his gown stopped was rimmed in purple and red so I knew he was still cold.

'Um-Ashton? Do you want to go inside? It's getting cold. I'll get us a hot chocolate-'

'I'd more preffer a coffee...' He smirked, standing up. I instantly jolted up and grabbed his lower back and chest to prevent him from falling only if his legs gave way from the no use they had.

He laughed with his fringe falling down on to his eyes. He turned and looked at me with dimples on display.

'I'm fine!' he laughed, slithering out of my grip.

'You sure? I don't mind helping you!' He laughed more louder as he slowly hobbled away from me, me still following close behind.

'Is this your excuse to keep holding me?' He asked yet didn't turn around as he kept walking to the door, my hand still behind him but not on him.

'Don't flatter youself!' I mumbled, walking up to the door he stood at, standing beside him and stretching my arm out to push it open for him. He looked down smiling before up at me with a glint in his eye.

'I'll try not to darling!' he smirked before he walked through the doors, looking around and rubbing his gooseflesh arms-leaving me alone in confusion outside in the cold.

'Smartass..' I mumbled, pushing the doors open with my elbow and sighing as the warmth hit me instantly. The smell of soup hitting me as I shove my hands deep into my pockets as I slowly wandered behind Ashton who's feet shook with every step.

I saw my jumper slowly slide off his shoulders as he tried grabbing it and almost falling over because of it.

I ran to him, letting the jumper fall before I let him.

He's so fragile it's insane.

'Thanks..' he mumbled as he readjusted himself into my arms.
Grunting loudly when he tried pushing my arms down to support himself back up.

'I wasn't going to risk having you fall over the jumper!' He smiled softly as his head was only inches from my neck, his strawberry scented locks tickling my nose.

'I appreciate it. And Luke?' He trails off, his voice getting low.

'Yeah?' I whisper, almost scared of what he's going to say next. With Ashton, you'll never know.

'...Your Jumper landed in something green and smelly..'

50 Days (lashton AU EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now