Tradley- Curious pt.3

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Mentions of sexual abuse! let me know what you thought!

Brad's POV

It's been a few weeks now since the party. We've toured England and we were having a little break before touring Ireland and Scotland.

We went out clubbing tonight. Not a great idea after what happened last time, but this time Tris and James came with their girls. I wasn't the biggest fan of that idea, but I didn't really have a choice.

Tris and I were in this weird phase. We were all over each other when we were on tour, but we didn't kiss or anything like that since the night of the party. When Ana was around we were what seems like miles away. I barely talked to him when she was near.

I was at the bar with Con drinking while James and Tris were dancing with their girls. I'm not sure what happened between them at the party but it's been weird between them since then. I asked Con about it but he didn't want to talk about it.

'Can I buy you a drink?' Asked a guy as he put his hand on my back

'I-I...' I said as I looked at Con who was nodding his head like crazy

'Sure' I said with a smile

'Great. What's your name?' He asked as he ordered a few shots for us

'I'm Brad and you?' I asked as I extended my hand to him

'I'm Josh' he said as he shook my hand

'Nice to meet you' he said with a smile

We were a few shots in and talking intently when Tris and James came up to us. I was too busy with Josh to notice them at first.

'Who's this?' Asked Tris, clearly annoyed

'This is Josh' I said as he shook their hands

'What is he doing here?' He asked again, this time he got hit in the side by James

'He bought me some drinks and well, we hit it off' I said as I smiled at him

He had a huge smile on his face as well.

'Let's dance. It's my favorite song' I said as I pulled Josh on the dance floor

I could feel Tris staring at us. His eyes were practically burning holes in my back. I dance with Josh for a while and when we were tired we went back to the bar and drank a bit more.

I was pretty drunk by the time he began feeling me up. I wasn't too comfortable, but it seemed like it was a good idea to let him touch me. He then smashed his lips onto mine and began kissing me aggressively.

By now I've had enough. I tried to push him away, but I wasn't strong enough. He slammed me against the wall, which knocked the breath out of me. That gave him easy access and he began unbuckling my belt and soon his hand was inside my pants feeling me up. I tried to push him away and not let him kiss me anymore. Tears were streaming down my face and I was painfully sober now. He pulled me to a dark corner and turned me around. Just as he was about to thrust into me, he was pulled away. I fell to the ground and began sobbing.

I saw someone beating the shit out of him. Seconds later Con was by my side, helping me cover up. He held me tightly as I cried. I saw James pulling the person off of Josh as he was escorted by a bouncer outside. My breath hitched when I realized that it was Tris. He beat the shit out of Josh. When he calmed down he immediately ran up to me and held me tightly. I was shaking so badly and I didn't know what to do. I didn't understand it. I was terrified. Tris apologized profusely.

In the end Tris took me home. He left Ana in the club and told her he had to take care of me. She understood, but she wasn't too thrilled. The guys wanted to come as well, but he said that it was his job to take care of me. He told them to make sure Ana gets home alright.

The cab ride home was quiet. I was holding onto him protectively. He didn't let me go either. We went to his house since he was alone and I didn't really want to face my parents. I was grateful that we went to his house.

When we walked inside he immediately went to his room and got me some new clothes. I was more than grateful for that. I changed into some sport shorts and his hoodie. I then sat down on his bed and curled myself into a ball and cried.

He came in moments later with a mug. He sat me up and handed me the tea he made. I drank a bit and then I set it aside. I curled myself in his chest and cried.

'I'm so sorry Bradley. That should have never happened. I'm so sorry I didn't save you earlier... before... before he touched you' he whispered as I trembled in his arms

'It's okay... it's my fault... I wasn't careful enough. I drank too much and I wasn't strong enough to stand my ground' I whimpered

'That wasn't your fault! He used you. He got you drunk and took advantage of you! Please don't blame yourself love' Said Tris fiercely

'Thank you for saving me' I whispered

'Don't thank me. I should have been with you. I shouldn't have even let him be alone with you' he said sadly

'It's not your fault. If it wasn't for you I... I would have been raped' I whispered

'Still... you were violated Bear...' he said as he caressed my cheek softly

'I...I... I deserved it' I whispered

Tris exploded though. I wasn't ready for that kind of reaction

'What the hell do you mean you deserved it? Bradley, that's so not true! You didn't deserve it! Why would you even say that? No one deserves being violated, especially not you!'

'I had sex with you and you didn't want to... that was your reaction after you realized what happened... I just guess it's payback... karma or some shit' I whispered

He took my head into his hands and said to me as calmly as he could

'Love... you didn't violate me. I agreed to have sex with you. I wanted to have sex with you. I was terrified because of what I realized after I found out we slept together. I know I've said so much shit that day, but you didn't hurt me. I had sex with the person who loved me with their whole heart. You made love to me and you didn't use me. I enjoyed it. I never told you to stop. I encouraged you. I wanted you. Bradley... I'm in love with you. I got so defensive because I only then realized that. I realized that you were the one and that I was into you. I just got defensive and said so many things I didn't want to... I love you Bear and I don't want to suppress those feelings anymore... tonight made me realize that I screwed up with you. I was too busy pretending to be there for you, to protect you. I'm going to break up with Ana and I'd really like for you to be my boyfriend. I'm done pretending I don't have feelings for you. My body betrayed me a long time ago and I guess you knew that too. I'm sorry it took me this long to get my head out of my ass and step up and own my feelings' he said as tears rolled down his face

'Trissy...' I whispered softly but he cut me off

'I'm so sorry. Also, I don't need an answer now. You're vulnerable right now and I don't want to take advantage of that, but I just wanted you to know. Whatever's your answer I'm still going to break up with Ana. I'm so sorry for hurting you and for not protecting you well enough. Please don't even blame yourself for tonight. You didn't deserve it. It's not your fault. It's not karma. It's just bad luck I guess, but for sure it wasn't your fault or your doings. Please... remember that and if you ever doubt that... talk to me and I'll tell you over and over again that it wasn't your fault' he said fiercely as he kissed my forehead softly

I fell asleep in his arms after crying myself to sleep. I was okay though, I was fine because I had Tristan by my side. I cried because of the trauma and the fear that I lived through but I believed Tristan's words. I tried not to blame myself.

Time passed by and the next thing I knew I was saying 'I do' in front of my friends and family. I couldn't believe we were finally getting married. I couldn't believe that we get to spend the rest of our lives together from now on.

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