Chapter 1: Unexpected Reaction

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Leana Dragna, the unfortunate villainess of the novel titled, "The Broken Promise." It started off with the country of Agnolia discovering the truth behind the supposed birthmarks that everyone had since the day they were born. It was a gauge of their magic capability. However, as they started their research, they realized that there were a total of four marks. The first one resembling a sword piercing through a star. The second one being an eclipse. The third one was identified as a rose with thorns so sharp it almost seemed if one were to try to touch the mark, they would get cut. However, the fourth was an ambiguous shape. No one was really able to precisely decipher what the exact shape was. While the first three shapes were common, the fourth one was rarely seen. The kingdom was only able to find one individual with the mark. They assumed that there were probably a few citizens with similar marks. They deemed it unnecessary to search for more. They marked it as the defective few of the population because when they tried to measure the magic power of the individual, the signal gave off a single flash and dimmed down immediately.

'Little did they know, that's actually the most powerful mark! The Ratria. It was bestowed upon by the Goddess of the world. She handpicked the few she believed would fully utilize the power to protect the people of the country.  If used for any evil purposes, they would be claimed as a fallen warrior and targeted by the other blessed ones to be eliminated. The group of blessed individuals were the heroine, love interests, and me the villainess. Why would you give it to me?!'

With the discovery of the meaning behind the marks, the kingdom deemed it safe to finally start up academies to hone the skills of the people. There were a few renowned adults that had practiced their magic with the risk of the unknown concerning the marks. They were deemed as the grand magicians to have made a noble sacrifice to their country. For the academies, they were hired as the instructors to help the upcoming students to be able to expand their knowledge of magic. Two academies were built: one for the elements of fire and lightning and the other for the elements of water and wind. People who wanted to attend had to take an entrance exam to determine their element and then would be properly placed into the academy that fit them.

It seemed in terms of the other three marks for magic powers, the first one was the least powerful with the third being the most powerful. People who had the rose were ecstatic about the news and would keep their head held up high. Predetermining their value for the country as they expected praise and worship from the people around them. As for the fourth mark, which was extremely rare in the population, they left it up to the individual whether they would like to attend the academy or not when they come of age. Seeing that the test barely reacted with the individual with the fourth mark, they found it cruel to force them into school if they were not able to produce results. It would just embarrass them and their family. 

The female villan, however, knew that once all the characters decided to attend the academy despite the repercussions, they would blow away the country with their immense magic powers. News broke out about the students and they were suddenly thrown on a pedestal as the country begged them for their safety from neighboring countries and demons. They had barely been able to suppress the higher ranked demons from the country. With overwhelming power they possessed, they would be able to easily destroy the demons with a single movement of their hands.

The kingdom is where the talented individuals finally meet for the first time. They first meet the king and queen before being ushered off to a separate room to acquaint themselves with each other.

The heroine: Clarity Strauss. She was from a pretty well-known family, however, in comparison to the rest of the group, she was at the bottom of the tier. Kind-hearted and cute, there's no way anyone could hate her. She was also a bit clumsy.

'Which why are all the heroines all clumsy? Is that some sort of an appeal I had no idea about? They can never get their crap together. Due to that nature, they might accidentally do something which triggers the villainess to take action and that could kill her, which in this case me! Stop doing that to the poor female rivals.'

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