Chapter 6: Surfacing Troubles

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(M/N)- made up name/fake name
(M/L/N)- made up/ fake last name
(Y/N)- your name

Sorry for the long chapter

Some themes in this chapter might not be suitable for some readers.


You straddled his back while holding his arm trying to keep him down and pressed him to the floor. With Loki still processing what was happening, you quickly grabbed his other hand and twisted it behind his back as well. You yanked his dagger from him and threw it across the room and leaned down to his ear, "Thanks for the cooperation."


You had taken off your mask by now. You didn't have anything to handcuff him with so you had to hold him like that for a few awkward minutes, "Darling, if we are going to stay like this for a little while longer, do you mind a different position than straddling me like a dead horse?" he growled with his cheek to the floor.

You understood the way you were holding him wasn't ideal but it was the best way to make sure he wasn't going anywhere, "Again, stop calling me that and yes I do mind. I'm not sorry and I'm not moving and letting you escape. You got away one time because of me. Im not letting you get away another." You grumbled and held him tighter.

He shrugged what he could of his shoulders and rolled his eyes, "Fine, so be it," he said with a smirk. He yanked his arms quickly away from your grasp then flipped over sending you under him. You let out a small yelp. He straddled your torso while holding your arms down on both sides of your body. He leaned down mere inches from your face and looked directly into your eyes, "Now, this is much better."

"Get off me," You hissed at him.

"Checkmate." He growled with a wide grin and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

You laid underneath him still processing what just happened. Without realizing it you started to study his face, other than the one scratch from the hulk and a few others that were already healing, his pale skin had no flaws. It looked as though a battle were going on behind the deep pools of mixed green and blue that were his eyes, waiting for someone to dive in and find the dark mystery behind them. His lips were tugged upward in an eerie smirk. And damn, you could do math with that jawline.

Wait. He's the villain, the bad guy, your not supposed to be captivated by him. Non the less attracted. You didn't know if it was his warm breath against your face or if you were blushing a little, 'No! Stop feeling things, he is literally trying to kill you!' You tried to press yourself into the floor to try to escape him and your emotions.

He gave a look of satisfaction. You mentally facepalmed, he knew he was getting to you and he was playing you like a record. You tried to fight yourself free but it was no use. He just squeezed harder and held you even more to where you couldn't move.

You felt pressure release from your wrists. Before you could move your hands to punch him in the face, you felt the pressure again. There was cold metal holding your arms tightly down where his hands used to be. You looked at one wrist and saw that magically, metal chains had appeared out of the floor and was holding both of your wrists down.

More cold chains snaked their way tightly across your ankles, legs, and torso. With your attention focused on the new chains around your body you didn't notice Loki's hand hovering above your throat. You glared at him in bold defiance, "You can't kill me."

The Monster Within - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now