Chapter 2: Torn

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A/N: Shout out to the first person to comment and vote on this story telling me it was good and that I should continue. You made me feel a lot better about writing this, thank you.

(M/N)-Made up name

(M/L/N)-Made up last name

(Y/N)- your name


"It's not just a hammer, it's Mjölnir. The only other people able to pick that up were me my father,    and-" he looked at you. He studied you for a moment looking into your catlike (e/c) eyes, "(Y/N).. is.. that you?" He sounded torn like he was happy and scared. His face was laced with anger, concern, and bewilderment.

You looked at him puzzled, "Who the hells (Y/N)?"


"Never mind," The Asgardian said averting his gaze.

You continued staring at him, "Look, if we need to stop Loki and find the Tesseract, we need to not fight each other," you looked back and forth between Tony and the blonde, "Got that?"

"You're right," the blonde said walking past you three, "Um, may I have my hammer back?" He asked awkwardly.

"Sure...what's your name?" You asked handing the hammer to him.

He paused and looked at you as if you should already know. Then his face turned solemn as if he realized something and then he answered,"Thor." He said, taking the hammer from you as he walked passed.

'Another Norse god, what a surprise,' you thought sarcastically.

"Where are you going, Point Break?" Tony asked.

"If we are going to work together, then I need to retrieve my brother," he started to swing his hammer around and then flew off the ground to a  cliff above the forrest. Tony followed and you turned back into the pegasus and signed for Cap to get on.

You followed Thor and Tony to the cliff, to your surprise Loki was sitting there. Why hadn't he moved? Had he been sitting there the entire time? Wouldn't he have wanted to get away?

You landed next to Thor who was now putting handcuffs on Loki. Loki glared at you and gave you a eerie smirk, 'I didn't know they had Pegasi on midgard.'

You jerked your head surprised by Loki's voice in your head, "What the hell do you want?" You snarled at him. Thor looked at you confused. Loki just continued his eerie smile, 'oh look, it talks to,' You heard his voice in your head again.

You transformed back to your original form, "Would you stop that?" You spat at Loki, readying a fist.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?"

You heard a thud behind you, snapping your thoughts away from Loki. You saw Steve lying on the ground, "Oh sorry, I forgot you were up there."

You held out your hand for Steve to help him up, he took it gratefully, "It's fine," he said picking up his shield. You heard a snicker from Tony and Loki. You shot them both glares. It silenced them immediately but you still saw a hint of mischief in Loki's eyes.

After, Tony called for Natasha to land the Quinjet she was there in almost a minute. You boarded the jet and sat in the pilot seat you were in previously. You took off your hood and pulled down your mask.

"How'd it go?" Nat asked.

You turned around to look at Thor who was sitting next to Loki, "Well, we gained a new team member..." you paused, "After we bashed each other's brain out."

Natasha started to flip switches, "There seems to be a pattern." You chuckled.

Loki's POV
'Why does Thor keep staring at that pathetic Midgardian?' I thought with disdain. I began to use my telepathy, 'Thor, why do you keep staring at that stupid female Migardian?' I didn't expect an answer but he responded.

'I have my reasons brother, why do you care?,' he rolled his eyes still studying her.

I turned my head to look at her and then back to my brother, 'Stop staring it's rude....and what are you doing, you look like you're trying to think for once.'

He adverted his gaze from the girl, 'Don't tell me what's rude and what's not, youre the one trying to take over Midgard,' I rolled my eyes irritated, he continued his spiel, "Do you-' he paused, 'Remember (Y/N)?'

It took me a few seconds. It hurt to try and remember something I couldn't. But then I did, I remembered the good and happy times with her. I remembered the woman I used to love. Then I felt a sharp pain in my head and I couldn't remember the good anymore. It was like black clouds covering the sun, like something was blocking the happy memories. The memories turned hateful.

I then remembered how she hurt me, how she hurt Thor and those she loved. I jerked my head up, 'What does she have anything to do with this?' I silently hissed at my oaf of a brother. The others watched us quizzically.

All he did was look at the (h/c) haired girl in the pilots seat, 'No. It couldn't be.' I growled, a scowl creeping across my face. My brother sat there not answering.


Your POV (second person)
After a few hours of mild conversation, awkward silence, and Thor and Loki continuously staring at the back of your head (which you could feel by the way), you landed the Quinjet on the helicarrier safely. Surprisingly with no problems whatsoever. Loki hadn't tried to escape once, which was... suspicious.

You pressed the button that opened the hatch and everyone unboarded the aircraft. Loki threateningly glared at you as he walked past. 'What the hells his problem?...that was a rhetorical question (M/N)...multiple things, multiple things are his problem,' you thought shaking your head.

Loki snapped his head away as Thor handed him off reluctantly to a team of S.H.I.E.L.D soldiers. You walked to the bridge once more meeting Fury. He told you six to watch the cameras while he went and talked to Loki, to see if he could get any information out of him. He walked out of the room, and down the hall to Loki's cell while you all gathered around the camera footage.

You sat in one of the chairs around the circular table and watched. You listened, processing everything that Loki said. Then Loki said something that alarmed you, "I'm sure that you know what real power feels like (Y/N), or... no, you call yourself  (M/N) now, is that right?" He turned and looked straight into the camera giving you his psychotic grin. Then the camera switched off.

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