SWEET (lesbian)

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Sweet Chapter 1

(another new story, if u likey I’ll write more)

I looked into the cracked mirror, but I could clearly make out my pale face staring back at me. I frowned slightly at my newly dyed brown hair before deciding I liked it. My eyes we coated with black eyeliner and mascara and my ears were covered in piercings. I was in the bathroom of a shady looking hair salon/ tattoo parlor. There was some phone numbers of people looking for a good time on the wall and a single toilet against the far wall. Everything about the place screamed druggie hideout. I took out a sharpie and quickly wrote my ex’s phone number with a heart and ‘call me’ on the wall before leaving the bathroom.

The smiling face of my best friend greeted me as I came out. She was clearly uncomfortable being left alone with the tattooed and pierced people of this store. I smiled back, grabbed her hand and led her out into the empty Toronto streets.

“Your hair looks really good Saint.” Ally said once we were outside. I nodded and hugged my thin jacket tighter around me. It was cold out, just enough to freeze everything but not enough for it to snow. I gritted my teeth as me and Ally started walking the four blocks home to my apartment complex. She was smiling up at the sky, her straight black hair was blowing behind her and she squeezed my hand tightly. I wasn’t feeling very talkative today, because, well today was the day I planned on coming out to my best friend. And by coming out I meant telling her I was gay, more precisely lesbian…raging homo…a dyke. You get it. My heart fell down to my gut and my hands clammed up. I realized Ally was staring at me.

“Thanks for coming with me.” I muttered finally.

She grinned, “No problem, but I don’t understand why you always go to those kinds of places.” I smiled; Ally and I were two different people. I was a punk, borderline Goth, and she was…. I guess happy-go-lucky, loud and very puppy-like. I often wondered why we were friends but when you got down to it we were both loved each other very much.

“I wrote Sam’s number in the bathroom.” I said with a guilty look on my face. Ally gave me a look before we both erupted into laughter.

“I cannot believe you did that!” She said playfully punching my arm.

“Seriously, I don’t know what came over me! Some old pervert is probably going to call him!” I said and couldn’t help but grin.

“Well that douche deserves it, come on lets hurry up, everything looks creepy.” I nodded at that, grabbed her hand and we sprinted the rest of the way to my apartment.

I switched on the lights and closed the door behind me as Ally made herself comfortable on my couch. As always no one was home. My older brother and dad worked the graveyard shift as cops and my other brother, Marc was out with friends. And my mom, well she was long gone, probably somewhere in India right now, finding herself. I went into my room as Ally flipped through the channels on my T.V. and began to undress. I pulled of my leather jacket and dark skinny jeans and put and oversized white tee and some soccer shorts from my little league days. My room was messy to say the least. Posters of Beckham, Natasha Kai and some various musicians covered the white and otherwise sparse walls. My queen bed was in the middle of the room with strawberry bed sheets, a desk to the left against the wall held my laptop and some textbooks. It looked out the window to the street four stories below. A bookshelf, a dresser with a small T.V. and an Xbox took up the rest of the room. The floor was littered with clothes, papers, a guitar and most likely a hamster somewhere under all that mess. Our apartment wasn’t necessarily tiny but more like cozy. It had three bedrooms, a living room with a small kitchen connected and two bathrooms, thank god. So being the only girl I got my own bathroom. A door to the far end of my room led to it. My older brother moved out with his girlfriend a long time ago so Marc, my dad and I each got our own room, mine being the biggest one.

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