27. Stalker

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'Here.' Kylie handed me a hot mug and a hot water bottle. 'There's nothing that makes you feel better than a hot cuppa.' Kylie asked, sitting down on the sofa with her cup. 'So... want to tell me what happened?' I shook my head. 

'It's Zaid isn't it?' ' I didn't say anything. 'I'll take that as a yes. You know what we need? Bridget Jones!'

I laughed as she got up and put the DVD on. Yes, she still had a DVD player. She liked to live in the past sometimes and didn't have the heart to throw it away as it contained so many memories. Kylie always knew how to make someone smile.

Although, it was fictional, sometimes there was nothing better than a bit of escapism., it still made us feel better that there was always someone out there worse off than us. I looked at my phone, There was already more than a dozen messages. I put it down. I wasn't ready to face him. After my outburst which i didn't regret it one bit. It was high time i said all the things, but i had exploded like a shaken bottle. I wondered how things woud've turned out, if i had confronted him then. What would have happened? It suddenly occurred to my to call my mother. I went out onto the small balcony adjacent to the living room. Mum picked up on the 3rd ring.

'So what's wrong?' Mum asked after the usual hi and hellos. It was amazing how mums just knew, even if they were hundreds of miles away. 

'Mum, please promise to tell me the truth.' I said cutting to the chase.

'What's this about?' She said hesitantly.

 'Say promise.' 

'Ok, i promise.

'Did you know about...the secret.'

There was silence on the other end of the line. 'What..whose secret?' She tried to make up for it but it was too late, she had known all along and hadn't told me. It was my turn to be silent. 

'Zara. Zara. I'm sorr-' I just ended the call and switched it off. 

I jumped back on to the sofa and hugged the fluffy pink water bottle and continued with the movie. Things were just going from bad to worse. 


Zaid's P.O.V

How had our relationship turned from perfect to ruined-completely within a few minutes? But i couldn't defend myself. It was my fault. Zara had known all this time. If i had just told her from the beginning then none of this would've happened. But what would have telling her have done? Would we have still been together? But there was more than one secret at bay here. 

I had repented for my sins, and tried to amend my mistakes and thought i had succeeded. Nonetheless, the past always had a way of catching up with the present. Seeing Jasmin, here in the flat, had both astounded and appalled me. It led to my against utter of the name i had said never to escape from my lips ever again. But it did and that's where everything went wrong. Argh, I fell back onto the bed.

Zara had known and never made any mention of it! Why didn't she say anything? I tried to rewind my mind back to those few months. I grabbed a notepad and pen. I had to see it for myself and made a list of events. It had begun mainly from the Costa day, then she disappeared to New York. when she had returned she acted differently and i had been too stupid to recognize that there was something majorly wrong and then the biggest hint was the divorce she had asked for! There had been hints all along and it took me; an asking for divorce and clash with Jasmin's husband to  finally come to my senses. I prayed that my stupidity was repairable.

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