Chapter 11

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The power had been out for about twenty minutes so far with no sign of it turning back on anytime soon; there was still nothing but white snow on the roads outside.

Jimmy and I had been talking for a bit, talking about some casual things and goofing off to pass the time.

"So," I started. "It's okay if you don't want to go into it, but what happened with dating Maddy?"

Yep, I went there. I was still curious.

Even in the darkness, I could sense how uncomfortable he was from the question. He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, it was confusing. Maddy was great and all, but it just wasn't working out."

"What happened? It was like you guys started dating out of nowhere."

He was pretty vague when he had first told me several weeks ago, but I needed more details.

"Well..." He paused. "I don't know. We'd been talking over Instagram as friends for a while, and we seemed to be getting along pretty well, so she suggested going on a date. I didn't feel totally into it, but I hadn't had a girlfriend in a while, so... I wanted to give her a chance, but I just wasn't feeling it."

"Fair enough." I paused for a moment. "Any other girl that you're 'feeling it for'?" I joked, using air-quotes with my fingers.

He laughed. "Yeah... that's another reason why I broke up with Maddy."

That caught me off guard. I don't know what response I was expecting, but I definitely wasn't expecting him to say that he was currently interested in another girl, which played a part in him breaking up with Maddy.

Now would be the perfect time for me to ask who the girl was, but I don't think that my heart could handle it right now if he said that it was anybody but me... so I didn't ask that. "That's cute."

There was a brief silence, but then Jimmy changed the subject to talking about his next video idea about launching stuff with cannons.

It was starting to get colder in the house without the heat on, so Jimmy went to go get some more blankets for us. When he came back, he had a huge stack of neatly folded blankets in his arms.

"Let's make a blanket fort!" I suggested.

His eyes lit up. "Let's do it."

We ended up making the blanket fort in Jimmy's room because there was a lot more space. The fort completely enveloped his bed, which meant that both of us were going to end up sleeping in his bed to keep warm if the power didn't turn back on for a while--yes, that was slightly intentional on my part.

We had some blankets left over, which we tossed on the bed; they'd be useful for when we actually decided to go to sleep.

Jimmy grinned. "This is the best blanket fort in the history of blanket forts."

"For sure," I agreed.

It was a nice blanket fort, and I had so much fun making it with him. We kept struggling while making it, since we could barely see what we were doing half the time in the darkness--the only light we had was from the flashlights on our phones.

We both climbed in through the entrance of the blanket fort and sat down on the bed, putting the last few blankets over ourselves.

I was still cold.

"I'm still freezing. Let me borrow your blankets, too," I said, laughing, as I grabbed Jimmy's blankets and slid underneath, so our legs were touching. The heat radiating from his body was like a human furnace. "Jeez, you're so warm. I need some of that heat."

Here With Me (MrBeast x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara