Chapter 8

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When I woke up again in our hotel room, I quickly realized that Jimmy and I must have shifted positions again during the night because we were now spooning. He was the big spoon and I was the little spoon: my back was facing him, and his arm was wrapped around me.

It was hard to believe that I was lying in bed (mostly platonically) with Jimmy and had somehow ended up basically cuddling with him all night in this freezing hotel room.

How did this become my life?

Trying to be discreet, I half-opened my eyes and peeked at the clock.

It was 7:30am.

I wasn't sure if anyone else was awake yet, but I didn't move or open my eyes to find out. I continued pretending to be asleep because I didn't feel like dealing with the comments if anyone realized that I was awake and kept cuddling with Jimmy anyway.

After a few minutes of just lying there, my legs started to feel a bit stiff. I had been lying on my side with my legs bent a little bit, so I started to slowly stretch out my legs.

I guess I didn't realize that Jimmy and I were already nearly touching; the action of stretching out my legs must have caused my ass to press against his crotch because I immediately heard a soft gasp from him. His mouth was right next to my ear, so the sound was amplified and it sent an electric, tingling feeling throughout my body.

I froze.

Shit. He was definitely awake.

We continued spooning for a while, both of us pretending to be asleep. I don't think he knew that I was awake, and I wasn't about to reveal it to him.

I think we were both too afraid to admit that we had been awake this whole time.

Eventually, I heard the sound of Chris waking up, which woke up Chandler as well.

I decided that now was my time to "wake up", so I carefully lifted Jimmy's arm off of me and sat up in bed. Jimmy "woke up" a minute later, but he didn't sit up yet.

The rest of the guys woke up shortly after, and we talked about going to check out the mediocre continental breakfast and free coffee that the hotel offered.

"Give me a few minutes... I'm still tired," Jimmy said, rolling onto his stomach in bed.

Garrett started laughing. "I don't think that's the only reason you're not standing up yet."

If looks could kill, I'm pretty sure Jimmy's glare would have killed Garrett.

"Seriously. They were all up on each other the whole night," Chandler added.

"How would you know, Chandler? Were you watching? You weirdo," Chris joked.

I started blushing when I realized what the guys were talking about, so I tried to change the subject. "Well, I'm starving, so I'm going to go get some breakfast."

The rest of the group--minus Jimmy--followed me downstairs to go get breakfast.

The continental breakfast was small and none of the food seemed that good, but for a dinky, haunted hotel like this one, any breakfast was better than nothing. I grabbed a blueberry muffin and a cup of coffee and sat down in one of the chairs in the lobby.

It was about ten minutes later that Jimmy came to join us, his cheeks still a bit flushed. He acted normally, besides maybe being a bit more awkward around me at first.

Why was everything with Jimmy so confusing?


After Jimmy dropped me off at my apartment later that day, I took a nice, warm shower (I didn't want to risk taking one at the haunted hotel and possibly have a Psycho moment and get murdered in the shower) and then began studying for my final exams.

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