Chapter 1: 10 years later

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"nope, no, no way in hell." Agatha shook her head violently.
"You have too."
"I don't have to do shit" Agatha stubbornly refused. Sophie huffed in exasperation. Why did her best friend have to be such a stubborn shit.
"Agatha please, it's our high school  reunion. 10 years out of that hell hole."
"I get that but do you not remember what happened in the 5 ½ months I was there."
"It wasn't that bad."
"I fell in love with your boyfriend, you cheated on him, I comforted him, we dated, you got jealous and tried to ruin us, failed, he asked me to prom, I said yes, the next week he cheats on me with one of your ex friends who also happened to expose you, then we had a sleepover, I cried, got ready for prom, he left me a corsage and said I love you, then we went to prom, I won prom queen, had to dance with him, heard people calling me shit, ran away from him, lost my tiara like some kind of wannabe Cinderella, then we went home, I cried some more, went over to his house, saw him all sad, wanted to hold him, instead gave him his jacket and he gave me my crown, cried some more, skipped school, saw him heartbroken, and then graduated high school, finishing the year off with some more crying. Should I go past the months of April and May?"
"Ok so maybe it was crap but at least go so we can stunt on them bitches."
"Come on, you own a hella successful self made fashion company out of nothing. You're engaged to a man who is hot as fuck. You are young and hot as fuck. I mean come on if we weren't friends I would hit that." Agatha laughed at her friends remarks. I mean she was right. Agatha had been hugely successful in her recent years. Why not go. She doesn't need to but it can't hurt to put these bitches in their place.
Agatha had said no but once again Sophie had conquered. It was currently 5:30pm. Agatha was in her office waiting to see how long she could spend before Sophie called her and dragged her out of work to get ready.
"Knock Knock"
"Come in, Ashley"
"I'm sorry ma'am. I tried to keep her from coming but-"
"What are you talking about?"
"Well-" Sophie barged into the office.
"Come on, we have to get ready"
"Sophie? Why are you here?"
"Because I knew you'd wait till the last minute then we wouldn't have time to dress nice." Agatha grimaced. She forgot how well Sophie knew her.
"Fine I'm coming" Agatha grabbed her purse and coat and the two of them headed for the elevator. They stopped on the 1st floor of the building and headed out to the parking lot. Agatha went to her car and they both got in. Sophie started giving out directions and Agatha listened. What could go wrong?
"We're here" Sophie stepped out of the car and headed to a familiar store.
"Why are we stopping at my store?"
"Because we need some outfits and what's better than an Agatha Woods original." Agatha followed behind Sophie. They walked into the store front and were immediately welcomed by the staff.
"Hi loves, so we're going to our high school reunion, which means we're going to see Agatha's ex. This means that my girl here needs you to help us out by giving her an outfit that is going to leave every single one of those hoes in the dust."
"I have just what you need." Tiffany replied. She was the manager of the store. Agatha grimaced she was not ready for this. She was not ready for what would come next. She was taken to the dressing room. Quickly one after the other workers would bring in different outfits. Agatha would change into one step out and Sophie would say yes or no. Agatha stepped out in a long silky body con dress that stopped under her knees. It was accented with a simple silver belt.
"Next you look like a hotter morticia Adams."
Sophie was choosing her own outfit as well. Agatha on the next outfit. It was a pale yellow romper accented with a small white purse with yellow detailing.
"Next, big bird"
"But it doesn't even have feathers"
The third outfit was a baby pink a-line dress with a light pink, almost white, trimming. It was backless and floor length.
"Oooo that's cute. Take it off"
"What? but you said it's cute"
"Yeah on me. You look like pepto bismol"
"It's light pink!"
"I- this is the last one I'm trying on. If you don't like it I'm taking the first thing I grab." For a fashion designer Agatha sure didn't like fashion.
Agatha stepped out of the dressing room. Everyone was in awe. Agatha stepped out in a navy blue strapless jumpsuit. The jumpsuit had white detailing around the waist that made it seem like butterfly wings. It accentuated the curves she had grown into over the years and the color complemented her pale skin tone nicely.
"This is the new design we were working on the other day right"
"Yes ma'am. We had a mock-up created to model but I guess this is as good of a time as any to show it off" Tiffany smiled as she began to take a few reference photos of the jumpsuit.
"We'll take it" Sophie called out. The girls came out of the store with their bags in hand ready to make everyone drool.
"Good luck with your ex!" Tiffany closed the door as the girls got into their car.

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