Part 3

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"Oh sexy shrexy boiiiiiiiii!" Heather called, stepping out of the cave. His highness Shrek looked over at her but it was too late. By the time he had turned around, she was already in the air, flying at him at one hundred miles per hour. Before he knew what was going on, her toe was up his nostril.

"A-ah H-Heather-chan," he moaned. "Y-your toe is so juicy............ My nose is gonna--"

Just then, Heather felt a juicy green liquid on her toe. His holiness Shrek's nose had ejaculated on it. As the green juice was leaking out, Heather blushed. Shrek-kun had put his nose juices on her.

"S-Shrek-kun," Heather stammered in delight. "D-did you just cum on me?"

Shrek blushed a beautiful shade of RGB #4BB35C. "Y-you can lick it if you want."

Heather pulled her toe out of his nostril and sucked off the green juice with a delicious slurp. His juice tasted like her favorite pinkity drinkity with some extra spice. Best thing she had ever tasted. Hungrily, she consumed all of it.

As the juice entered her bloodstream, a godly power coursed through her veins. The world around her was engulfed with a golden light. The air was warm, just the right amount to be comfortable no more, no less. The ground felt somewhat soft, like perfectly manicured golden grass. Above her, she felt a presence. It was a warm, comforting presence but it was clearly more powerful than her. She closed her eyes and let the light control her. Heather felt herself drop to one knee.

Suddenly, a powerful and godly voice filled the room. "Nya~"

Heather opened her eyes. "God? Is that you?"

The voice spoke again. "Of course it is! B-baka!"

Heather waited obediently for her next command.

"Y-you can stand up, you know," the voice said again.

Heather rose and stared into the face of a true kawaii neko girl. She was small, with dark hair and violet eyes. Her neko ears were as dark as her hair, with white fur sticking out of it.

"So," the neko girl said. "Onii-chan has given me an offering."

"Yes," Heather said.

"Since you have been directly teleported to me I can only assume that you paid him, right?" the neko girl asked.

"Yes," Heather replied.

"I hope you saved some for me," the neko said. "Or else we'll have a real problem."

"Of course, master," Heather said with a smirk.

"In that case," said the neko girl. "Let me give you your reward."

Heather watched as she took her skirt off to reveal that he was a trap. The neko boy walked over to her with a smirk. "Like what you see?"

Heather walked up to him, putting her face inches away from his before she spoke. "No."

"SHUT THE FRICK UP YOU FRICKING--" The angry neko boy was cut off as Heather pressed her lips against his, making him blush.

She smiled. "Are you going to continue the ceremony or not?"

"D-don't do that again! B-baka!" The neko boy gave Heather an angry look before pulling down his boxers. "Now I have to punish you..."

As Heather felt his little thiccity sticcity enter her yuri hole, she felt a powerful meat juice enter her body. It fused with the shrek juice and made her pass out.

When Heather opened her eyes, she noticed something different. She was lying next to a pool of water, Shrek by her side. As she looked into the pool, she noticed that her eyes were not the familiar gray that she had, but a bright green. They were also... kawaii. Suddenly, she saw the two ears on top of her head. Neko cat ears. At that moment, she realized what Shrek had given her. The power of neko kawaiiness. She looked over at Shrek, who immediately thrusted his pelvis towards her mouth.

Heather closed her mouth over his beautiful, beautiful stick and began to chew on it like a pupper, making Shrek moan. Finally, she climbed up his hairy chest and over his face, feeling his mouth chew on her as she stuck her fist up his butt around the corner.

When she found the crippling diarrhea, she used her tongue as a straw and stuck it in there so she could drink his beautiful chocolate liquids.

"UwU Heather-kun you're so warm and juicy," Shrek moaned. Heather rubbed her hand in his buttcrack and made him moan again. She nuzzled him with her warm ears, letting the fluff enter his system. Suddenly, he moaned so hard that his stick began to ooze more liquids. They came out so hard that they hit her buttcrack. And for the first time, she felt her tail. Whenever she moved, it would swish around with godliness. Using her newfound weapon, she stuck her tail into Shrek's meat scepter, causing him to moan and pet it.

"Kyaaaa~ S-Shrek-kun," Heather mumbled, blushing. "Do it again..."

Shrek didn't even speak, he just stroked her tail again and again as they both swam together in the swamp, new juices filling it with new delicious flavors.

Finally, Shrek juiced himself one last time before his stick returned to its dormant state. Heather's toes were all a bright green and her tail was fluffier than ever.

"I'm afraid that our time comes to an end, Heather-chan," Shrek said. "If you ever need purification, feel free to return."

"Of course, Shrek-kun," Heather replied. "Thank you for letting me borrow your swamp."

Shrek nodded.

And with that, Heather walked outside of the swamp and onto the streets of Demonic Barbie Hell, wondering who to eat next.

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