Chapter four

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The stench of rust clogged Nova's nose and the darkness slowly faded away from her eyes. To say she was confused would be an understatement. The animalistic snarls and growls sounded throughout the room.

Nova slowly lifted her head from the floor to avoid the nausea that threatened to overtake her at any moment. She turned her head to the fireplace where the growls emanated from. A gasp of horror threatened to spill from her lips at what she saw.

Etienne had his fist buried deep within the chest of a giant wolf like creature. His eyes, no longer their icy blue, glowed like ember coals on a dark winters night. His fangs, as sharp as razors, were bared at the creature like he was a hair trigger away from ripping the jugular from the burly thing. While it was enough to scare Nova out of her wits, it did not however, stop the wolf from gnashing its powerful jaws at the vampire who currently had his arm elbow deep in his chest.

Nova rubbed a hand over her head, wincing as she encountered a throbbing bump on her left temple. She didn't remember much from the past few minutes. She remembers discovering that she's a banshee, she's on a 'kill list?', and Fenrir.........he's a werewolf......and he was going to kill her. She rose to her feet and had to catch herself on the wall to keep from passing back out. She ground her teeth together against the pain of her head and swallowed back the bile threatening to come up.

" Etienne, stop," it came out as a horse whisper that even she could barely hear.

She repeated it once more and louder.

His head turned on a snarl. "He tried to kill you," he turned back to Fenrir with a smile, "and he still will unless i put him down like the disease ridden mutt he is. " Despite the fear Nova felt in that moment, she hesitantly made her way towards the two men struggling to kill each other. She gently rested her palm on Etienne's bicep, causing him to freeze up and glance over at her with a blank expression on his face.

"Please," she whispered, pleading in her eyes.

At first she was worried he wouldn't listen to her, but then his fangs slowly shrank from terrifying to barely noticeable, and his eyes faded back to their cool blue color that always enthralled her. He tilted his face back towards Fenrir and cocked a single brow at him, they stayed in that position for what seemed like years until Fenrir finally morphed back into his human form. And to her horror, a naked human form. Etienne, seemingly oblivious to his nakedness, removed his hand from Fenrir's chest. Fenrir narrowed his eyes and rubbed a hand over his slowly healing wound.

"You've got bravery, fanger, i'll give you that."

Etienne slowly pushed Nova back towards the door, " Try to follow us, and i'll finish what I started."

Fenrir bared his teeth in a mixture of a smile and a snarl. A malevolent chuckle rumbled from deep within his chest. " No, we wouldn't. I'll be seeing you soon, old friend," his eyes slanted towards Nova, " oh, and Nova! I so look forward to seeing you again soon darling."

Etienne kept his hand poised on the small of her back and quickly ushered her down the halls and out the door. She didn't exhale the breath she'd been holding until they were speeding back down the highway and away from freak show central.

" So........," Nova gulped, " h-has he always been"

" Frightening?"

Nova pushed her shaking hands between her knees. " Yeah.."

Etienne snorted in a mixture of humor and hatred. " Fenrir's always been a sadistic son of a bitch. Not much has changed since the last time I saw him."

" Which was?"

Etienne shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. " Sometime during the 14th century. Don't ask the date, not even I can remember that far back."

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