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I could hear the scraping of claws against a wooden surface, and I couldn't help but think to myself just how odd that was. Here I was about to get married, and I could hear rats in the walls. That's when the dark reality began to sink in, and a flood of darkened memories burned to life in my subconscious.

Bright white lights shined down on me while I was strapped down to a embalming table. Blood leaked out of the open wound that was across my lower stomach. James walked towards me wiping blood off of the scalpel he used to cut into me with. He set it down with precision onto the table off to the left of my scull. Tears leaked down my face as he turned back towards me.

" Pleasee..." I whispered. He picked up rubbing alcohol, a white cloth, and then walked over to the end of the table. He slowly removed the cap and poured the contents of the bottle onto my wound. Blinding pain sizzled up and down my body and I began to scream as he began to rub the cloth upon it.

Sobbing, I watched as he turned away and walked back towards me with my blood stained wedding dress. I jerked as he began to dress me once more, only this time the dress caught and pulled on my open wound as he shoved the material down my body. He smiled slightly when the job was done and ran a hand across my hair. " There now, all better. Now you'll finally be able to sleep in peace my love." He picked up the scalpel once more and I knew with clarity that I would never see my family again. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain I knew was to come. Rather than pain, however, when the scalpel slit across my throat, I felt an edge of peace and tranquility.

My eyes snapped open and I found myself in the dark. I raised my arm up, but was stopped by wood. Panic seized hold of me and I began to bang on the hard surface. When I raised it up a second time, my hand broke the surface, and dirt rained down onto me. I wasn't in my room,I thought to myself. I was buried alive.

I opened my mouth and let loose a horrible blood curdling scream.

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