Chapter 19

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I am currently on the edge of block 8. I want to see my kids! NOW! "Kyle... did you know" I whispered as he tied my hand harshly and i could feel my delicate skin cut.

"Your... foster parents" I bit my lip. "I don't know my parents you know... so just let me go" he pushed me closer and closer to the end of the circle building. "shut up ok! and I know your name isn't Zoe, Princess Diana (R.I.P even though I didn't meet you... this book is for you) "

I swear to god my heart almost stopped. even my foster parents didn't know my real name "shocked well you was missing for like 27 years well 26 because you stayed with your family for a year... Any way Diana your mum and dad are on Skype why don't you say hi"

I bit my lip harder "HELP SOMEONE HE-" I tried to scream but he put a cloth over my mouth. call me an attention seeker but I think I got 1000 kids staring at me. hey at least it's sunny!

Kyle's pov----------------

'Ne nor ne nor' I hear sirens yelling in the distance. Wow this is bad... ok ok Kyle we need to relax. I won't drop her don't worry... I love her. I love Diana but my dad (president) made me do this so... don't think I am the bad guy. Do you think it is easy to watch the girl you love suffer? well don't do experiments cause it will hurt alot.

"Kyle p-please stop where are they... where are the kids?" I chuckled. they are acutely down stairs playing with there new Xbox and cute doll house I bought for the twins but I can't tell her that!

"In a cell" I said choosing each word carefully. "Kyle... I thought (sniffs) I thought you loved me" thats it she did it I grabbed her and held her gently but firm "if your mum gives me half a million... I hope you will forgive me"

"I won't forgive you even if your life was at threat" she spat. I slapped her. hard . she lay there. her eyes closed and her beautiful hair danced with the breeze. I did love her but I had to act though

"Mr Thomas I can't see her and the doors are close what if she is hurt"i heard a child's voice exclaim. Why couldn't I chose a flat house or some where with a large building. "just wait the police is on the way" a mans voice boomed. shit

Long chapter. whoop. so cold.

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