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In the days that followed, Levi found himself only thinking about Mikasa and her condition. During training, he'd always glance over to her window to see her resting her hand on the glass and watching the others. It made his stomach twist, knowing how she felt.

Late one evening after training, he made his way to her room making sure to pick up their notepad before going. Carefully, he opened her door. Her window was open and her head rested in her arms on the windowsill. She watched as the sky turned a glowing shade of orange, the sun preparing to set.

"Mikasa," Levi said her name softly just like he had every day, hoping for it to reach her ears. He saw her move as she picked up her head, hope filling his chest. She unfolded her arms and placed her hands on the windowsill holding herself up as she leaned further out the window, wide eyed and lips carefully parted.

Levi felt his stomach drop once more as he realizes she was only looking at the birds that gracefully flew by. He scribbled into the notepad and walked up to her, carefully grasping her shoulder.

With a light gasp she spun around and faced Levi, her opened mouth softening into a bittersweet smile. He held up the piece of paper that he had previously wrote on. 'Training Room?' it read in rather sloppy handwriting.

Her eyes widened and darted between the words and Levi's eyes. She nodded furiously as Levi helped her out of the tangle of blankets beneath her. She gestured for him to leave, quickly changing out of her regular clothes and into something more breathable. When she opened the door again he was there patiently waiting for her.


Mikasa watched as Levi's fists cut through the air and into the punching bag as she wrapped her knuckles. Done with his demonstration, he gestured for Mikasa to do the same.

Even after days of sitting in that bed, Mikasa's talents were still as sharp as ever, never failing to leave Levi in awe. Punching rather hard into the bag, Mikasa stopped.

Eying the bag, she punched again. An airy gasp escaped her lips. "Mikasa?" Levi called. "Can you hear it?"

She didn't look at him, her eyes traveling down to her hands. Levi put a hand over hers, gesturing for her to look at him. He tapped his right ear and raised a brow.

She nodded quickly and held up her thumb and index finger, gesturing to him that she could only hear a little. Levi's eyes lit up. So she could hear loud noises but they still sound small to her. She'd only hear him if he yelled. He wouldn't.

She stood in a fighting stance in front of him, initiating that she wanted to spar. Wary, Levi mirrored her stance. Levi watched her carefully as they fought. The way her feet darted around the floor to the way her hands tried to land a hard punch on him. Although she was deprived of a sense, Levi didn't go easy on her. He knew he didn't have to. as they sparred, Levi closed in on her, causing her to continue to move backwards. 

In a moment, Levi's eyes caught the end of the mat they were standing on. "Watch out." he called to her.  'Shit' Levi cursed himself, realizing his fault. 

Mikasa saw his lips moving but couldn't make it out. Suddenly, she tripped, losing balance against the end of the mat. She squeezed her eyes shut but never hit the ground as Levi gripped her elbow. 

A faint breath left her lips as she stared at Levi above her, her body mere inches from the ground. He was frozen there, admiring her strong features. "Captain?" she said in a small voice. 

The sudden use of his position caused him to cease up and stumble, wide eyed. Before they could fall on the hard ground, though, Mikasa pushed his chest, assuring they'd fall onto the mat. 

She tumbled upon his chest, chin falling atop his shoulder. Turning his head slightly, Levi faced her and put his lips to her ear. "Tell me you can hear me..." when she didn't respond, Levi tried once more. "Mikasa..."

Just then, her head shot up as she stared at him with lips slightly parted and eyes widening. "What happened to Ackerman?" she said quietly, surprised by her own voice.

"Come on I've been calling you Mikasa for days now." he slightly smirked at her. 

"I can hear you" she whispered to him. "Its quiet but....I can hear you."

"I missed hearing your voice," Levi spoke, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and bringing her head down to rest on his chest. 

As Mikasa rested there, she closed her eyes, listening closely to the sound is his heartbeat. "I can hear you."

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