chapter 1

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when i landed and changed back i was in a little town called forks. weird name right? it was a kind of town were there were no secrets and everyone knew everyone. maybe they won't find me here...

i didn't find the need to buy a house. one i rarely slept and ate, but when i did i was in one of my many forms.

i decided to search the area to make sure i was safe for now and where to hide if they find me. i quickly changed into a snow leopard (my favorite) and started running in the forest. there was a weird wet dog smell... what is that? I've never smelled it before... going closer to the smell it intensified and mixed with another smell... a sickly sweet smell. Vampires. by the amount of smells 7 of them.

this isn't good. i have to leave. they can't find out about me! they will turn me in for sure! but at the same time there was this... pull towards it. I've never felt it before. i feel.. happy.

i was unconsciously walking towards them. as i got to the clearing there was these bear sized wolfs, that must be the smell, on one side of a river and 7, i was right, vampires on the other. it seemed as if they were having a meeting. thats weird. i dont know why they would. or how they could have a conversation with the wolfs. wolfs cant talk. whats going on?

i took a closer look at the vampires from my hiding place in the trees to see if there was any threat to me, or if any of them had powers. there were 3 girls, a tall one was statuesque. She had a beautiful figure, the kind you saw on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, the kind that made every girl around her take a hit on her self-esteem just by being in the same room. Her hair was golden, gently waving to the middle of her back. The short girl was pixie like, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction she was a future seer, and now so was i. also one that looked around 28ish in age, with Carmel colored hair, and a heart shaped face. Of the four guys, one was big muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond. he was an empath by my power detector. the one that looked the oldest in age before the transformation also had honey blond hair. The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. he was a mind reader. (that explains how they have a conversation. the wolfs are shape shifters.)

what caught my attention the most was their eyes. not the normal red like every other vampire i know. but a beautiful golden brown. that's strange Ive never seen that before. what does it mean? i couldnt keep my eyes of of the bronze haired mind reader. why? whats he to me? i dont even now him, but i felt like i have. wait thats not important right nowi need to find out why they are yelling at each other.

i edged a little closer and the cliff i was on crumbled. i was going down, hard, fast. i wont heal fast from this. the volturi could find me any minute i cant get hurt! i cant shift they are all watching me now!! im screwed!!!

i closed my eyes waiting for the impact to the ground. it never came... i opened my eyes to be staring into a butterscotch goldish pair. the boy with bronze hair. he.. he saved me. why? he doesn't know im human. he thinks im an animal... why did he save me? he gently but me on the ground by the rest of his coven. i jumped up right away and did my best to thank him in my animal form. it took me a while to notice everyone was starring at me. well... this is awkward....

the rest of the coven and the shape shifters finally went back to their argument, but he kept stairing at me weirdly. i used my new mind reading to find out why. 'why is there a snow leopard so far out here? why do i feel such a pull towards an animal?' he feels it to!? whats going on? what does this mean? i could tell the argument with the vampires and the shape shifters was getting heated. they kept hissing and growling at each other.

apparently one of the vampires accidentally went on the shifters side of some treaty/ border thingy they made, and the shifters are angry. from what i have heard the cullens (as i just found out is the vampires coven name) are justified. they were trying to stop a lose newborn. it went on for a couple hours. yes i sat there the whole time i wanted to find out more about the bronze hair one if possible. they were finally starting to see reason and relaxing when i felt something coming. not something someone. or should i say some people.

Crap! how did they find me so fast!! i went pretty far away from them! the vampires and shifters felt them coming a minute later (better senses as a witch). the wolfs ran away. why? were they afraid? were they also enemies of the volturi?

they emerged from the forest looking even more pissed off then before. haha! it took everything in me to not break my spell and laugh in their faces!! but i dont think they are looking for me right now... their here to see the cullens. why?

"ah carlisle. its been to long my friend." aro said to the older looking honey blond, the leader im guessing.

"yes it has aro. what brings you to this area?" carlisle asked, a little nervously.

"well i was tracking someone, but they seem to have evaded me." he answerd in a very pissed off, almost hiss like, fashion.

"someone evaded you? thats very unlikely."

"dont remind me!" oh hes getting even more pissed off! haha!! " i figured while i was out around here i would check up on my vegetarian friends" vegetarian? what?

i stopped listening around then. it was more important to make sure they dont realise its me.

"why is there a snow leopard out here? and why is it so close to us? animals usually run when they sense a preditor." i heard aro say after a while. Fuck!! i need to get out of here. quick!

i started to slowly walk backwards to the forest but their attention was now completely on me.

"ah sweet Isabella. u may come out my dear i know its who. ive seen ur snow leopard's self before." aro said in a mocking way. Shit! well here goes nothing. i changed back but made sure i was well aware of every vampire in the area.

" ah aro did u miss me?" i asked sickly sweetly.

"you my dear are not very bright. never tease a vampire when you are very much out numbered." he replayed pissed off.

"but thats where your wrong again. i always get away from you. why is your here again? oh i know1 its cuz i already evaded you once today... wanna go 2 for 2?" i asked as innocently as i could while facing this monster.

"BURN!!" the big ,muscly one on the cullens side yelled. he looked like a big Teddy bear and the prankster type.

the volturi did not like my reply. i could feel jane trying to get thought my shield once again but it didnt work. i could feel fear off of the volturi thanks to the empaths gift. i also felt admiration fro the cullens. but one feeling stood out the most. it was a mix between love and fear for me... what the hell!? it was coming from the bronze haired one.

"well aro its been a blast but i really must be on my way." i said after a few moments of silence and pressure on my shield from jane. "i'll see you later. bye bye." i turned invisible. for some reason i couldnt find it in my heart to leave this coven.

"after her! now!!" aro screamed at his guared. and off they went with one last goodbye to the cullens.

"well i thought he'd never leave!" i sighed as i turned visible again. apparently i scared the cullens cuz they all jumped a little at the sound of my voice.

"haha! i like this chick! shes got spunk!" the big one said.

"thanks! im bella. bella swan. and you guys are..?"


sorry if it was to long or if it was a wrong description or it just sucked all together....

i dont own anything but the plot and the new and improved bella. (no more whining about everything crap bella)

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