imallexx did something?

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K, so writing this might be a little biased cause I love Alex and all his friends, so let's just get into it! So there may be a trigger warning for some viewers....

Lets get into it!

So recently, you might have seen (probably not lmao) that Alex (imallexx) has gotten into some drama! Some people think that he was calling Slazo... A rapist. So Keemstar called Alex out on twitter, saying " I'm tempted to make a video on Imallexx for pushing false rape charges on a man. Going to give him a day to make a real apology!". Alex, then responded to this tweet by saying " I have not called Slazo a rapist Keem and you full well know that I have not referred to him as rapist. Saying I have is simply untrue.". So apparently in a video, Alex was talking about Slavo, and basically 'implied'.... that slazo was, in fact, a rapist. So I wanted to do a little more researching and tried to find Alex's video where he was talking about slazo, and I couldn't find it :/ 

*sips tea*

Aaaaaanyway, you're probably thinking... 'Maddie, what brought this situation up and why did slavo respond to it?' (don't worry, i'll get there). well, chey, slavo's ex girlfriend, stated that he sexually abused her and that she wanted to wait till 16 to do anything which she did not make clear in the screenshots slavo shows us in his video (you'll understand in a second). Well that's where his response video comes in (told you). he replied to all allegations in the 26 minute video. he even had screenshots of their discord chats.

wellllllll, after this, little ol alex decides to respond. and again, I tried to find the video and I couldn't.... and again...... sips tea.

well, what do you think of this situation? let me know in the comments and please don't forget to vote, it lets me know you like this and would like me to continue!

love you guys! byeeeeeeee

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