Chapter Seven

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Easton and Rose were left alone, as the two ladies went back through the same door that Meredith had first appeared from. "We've got to be quick I'm afraid. I'm running behind time to meet my friends. We'll go straight there if that's ok?" Easton said as they walked out of the double doors, "The Holt used to be bigger than this, but the population has dwindled over the last decade.". Rose assumed he was referring to the lack of people outside, but she was more interested in admiring his muscles in his tight long-sleeved t-shirt. Easton was the most attractive man she'd ever laid eyes on; she wasn't sure if it was his face or his body that she thought was sexier. Easton interrupted her thoughts, "I won't bother with the grand tour if that's okay, I'll show you around another day?"

"That's fine by me. If not, my mother will take me around I'm sure."

"I was giving you an excuse to spend more time with me," he said with a wink. Rose looked down at the floor and her face went crimson.

"I'd like that," she said with a smile.

Rose walked with Easton, admiring in the scenery on their walk.

"It is so beautiful. The city was so grey compared to the Holt. Here everything is so green." Rose told him; she was absorbing all the things she could see around her. Snowdrop flowers which were as tall as she was, they lined their walk to the tree. It was like an avenue lined with trees in the human world. Tall blades of grass, huge insects that scurried by. Looking forward again, Easton pointed out a tree stump nearby that was their destination and they headed towards it. When the pair got closer, Rose could see a green door and a café style front with awning and picnic benches outside. The big green sign over the door said, "The Bistro". Entering inside the eatery, in one corner of the room sat around a large table were a group of people. The other side was a counter which appeared to be a bar as it had bottles lined up on shelves on the wall behind it.

"These are my mates here," said Easton walking towards them, he instantly reached out for Rose's hand, she paused briefly wondering if he meant to, and seizing the opportunity she took it. He guided her to the table and pulled out a vacant chair for her to sit on. Sitting down on the empty chair next to her, he looked around the table and smiled at the people around the table. Rose looked around the table too, most of the group were smiling back. All except one of the women at the table who took one glance at Rose and scowled slightly before she got up and left the restaurant without saying anything. The crimson-haired woman with wings tipped with silver disappeared out of the door and moodily shut it behind her.

"Excuse my sister Mara - she's a bit of a grump sometimes!" said the male in the corner with the sable hair, his skin was a rich brown with cool undertones. The table was silent, and the mood was uncomfortable.

"Okay, guys. This is Rose Winter. She's new around here" Easton said.

The male who had made excuses for the crimson-haired woman's quick departure, piped up "So she's the faeman that caused all that gyp? No wonder Mara left".

A woman dressed all in black next to him with kohled eyes quickly swatted him with her hand. "Ouch! I was just saying!" he said rubbing his arm.

"Alf, I won't have any of that xenophobic behaviour around Rose, make sure Mara knows that too. Rose's mother is Duchess Winter, she deserves to be spoken to with the respect that her parentage requires" Easton told Alfred sternly.

Alfred looked embarrassed and signalled the waitress for another round of drinks. "A pitcher of barley beer please!" Alfred called out before he said "Sorry Rose"

Pleased that his friend had apologised he addressed the table, "So before I forget," he then pointed at Alfred "That's Alf. That's Lux, my sister, the one who hit him, she may look all doom and gloom but she's not a cold heart – I must add". Next, he introduced Phineas, who had a mop of black tight curls and tawny skin, he was sat in his chair lazily with his hand draped over the vacant chair next to him. Phineas gestured hello to Rose with half a salute and carried on his conversation to Lux. Were all the men in the Holt that were her own age handsome? Rose thought.

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