Chapter Six

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The next day the weather was much nicer, there wasn't a drop of rain in sight. Rose was sat at the table watching her mother rush around getting ready, breakfast was a much simpler affair this morning. A selection of cereals and a little jug of milk had been left on the breakfast table for her to choose from.

Suddenly Rose saw a wad of papers had escaped from her mother's hands. Aine crouched over, rushing around, gathering it all up as it had strewn all over the floor in various directions. Rose was sat at the circular table in the kitchen, whilst her mother was tidying up the papers in the living room, it was a large open plan room which was great for talking whilst cooking. Rose thought as she spooned some cereal into her mouth, "Can't you magic that into order?" she said in between bites of her breakfast.

Her mother looked at her with a slight smile "We don't use magic for everything my darling, well, we could do but I don't want to become lazy! There's some in the Holt that doesn't even brush their teeth themselves! Anyways, now, when I've got ready. I want to show you off to Meredith. We've wondered for years about you and where you'd got to! Meredith is my oldest and dearest friend." Aine said.

"I look forward to meeting her. What do I wear when I go out? I've only got some very 'outside world' clothes ideas. I'd hate to stick out like a sore thumb. Oh yes, I've also got another question I thought of to ask you...Where do you keep your wand?" Rose asked she had loads of questions to ask about so many different topics. She felt like a child at Christmas time.

Aine replied with a chuckle, "Wear whatever you'd like, there's a book on the shelf of clothing ideas you can replicate... and as for carrying your wand. You place it in your pocket of course! The great thing about our pockets is that they are as deep as whatever you want to place inside them. Every outfit you create should have pockets ideally. Don't want to drop your wand by placing it under a belt or something and risk losing it".

Aine pottered around the kitchen putting away a few items of crockery, wiping her hands on a towel, Aine then went over to the huge bookshelf that covered one half of the living room. Placing the book of clothing ideas in front of Rose, she said, "This is it; it is a few years old; it is been collecting dust as you can see, but you'll get the general idea when you flick through the pages"

"Thanks, I hope they have a nice comfy pair of shoes in here, those ballet ones I came in aren't the best for walking about in," Rose said leafing through the pages of the book. She finally decided on a lilac bodysuit with gold detailing and matching boots. An outfit like this wouldn't have been deemed fashionable in the human world but the title in this book over the outfit she'd just put on said it was a "Fae Fashion Staple". "What do you think about this?" Rose asked her mother.

"Looks good, very stylish! Try to replicate it!" Aine replied, "I'm just going to go to my room back soon!".

Rose was nervous about trying out her magical skills with an audience, Rose studied the outfit and it is detailing before she waved her wand in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom and the outfit appeared on her. Examining the outfit in her reflection she was amazed at how beautiful and ornate it was. It was like a designer piece in the human world. Still, in awe about this new world she was in, she had a moment to think about the last few days and how intensely surreal they'd been. Rose twiddled with her wand in her hands as she stared blankly into her reflection, her hair needed sorting too, so she tried to attempt to do a fancy hairstyle, but it failed. Not having a picture to model her hairstyle from meant that it didn't turn out as well as she had hoped so instead, she imagined a voluminous style. With a wave of her wand, it was created. So, she placed her wand in the right pocket of her new outfit which fitted in perfectly. Rose's white blonde shoulder-length hair was now voluminous and styled as if she'd just came out of a hairdressing salon. Her make-up was perfectly done in the same wand movement, her blue eyes seemed even brighter with the makeup that was around her eyes. Rose was ready to go, so she went to find her mother, who she found outside tending to her flower garden.

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