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Chanelle's POV

I woke up feeling well rested. I smiled to myself thinking about how for once, I didn't wake up and think about how lonely I am. I stretched and tried to get up. Did you catch the keyword...tried. I looked down to my waist and seen a tattooed arm .I smiled and looked to my side to see August. Then I frowned... How did he get in my house? I'm pretty sure I locked my door. I will have to ask him when he gets up.. He was knocked out and snoring slightly. I wiggled out of his arms and slipped my robe over my sleeping shorts and tank top. I threw on my house slippers, grabbed some sweats, a tank, and under-garments, and went to the bathroom. I  took a long hot and steamy shower before putting on my clothes and socks. I brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand beside my bed and seen that I had a few missed calls. I looked at August one more time before going downstairs to the living room. I plopped down on the couch and went to my calls list. I saw that August and Steph had called me last night and Moma called me twice this morning. I decided to call Steph back first because Moma liked to talk, so there was no telling how long that conversation would run. I dialed her number and waited patiently for her to answer. 

" Bitch what?" I laughed her comment off.

" That is so rude of you..." She smacked her lips.

" Says the bitch that can't answer her phone or door. I told you to call me when you got off of work. So I came by there and you were sleep."  I sighed and palmed my forehead.

" I'm sorry Steph I was tired after the meeting with a potential partner. When I got home I went straight to sleep." She sighed.

" I forgive you but I was calling to remind you that the girl's night is tomorrow at your place... let's say starting around 12.." I sighed.

" Alright Steph." She smacked her lips again.

" Be happy girl ! You need to loosen up." She laughed then stopped. " You need some dick in your life. Yea that's it! Somebody needs to pop that cherry." I shrugged her words off like dust on my shoulders. I'm a 22 year old virgin, and I'm proud to have kept to myself this long. Trust me, in this world that seems to be a very difficult thing to do. 

" Whatever but look, call me in the morning and remind me again."

" Alright." I hung up the phone and went back to the dialer to call Moma back. She answered on the first ring.

" Hey Sugah!" I took the phone away from my ear and looked at it before putting it to my ear.

" I don't know why you're so happy this morning but whatever. I was just returning your call." I hoped she made this call quick.

" I was calling to tell you that I'm coming by to make breakfast." I looked towards the stairs thinking of August being here. I had to get him up and out of here or else she would make this bigger than what it is.

" Sure Moma. What time you planning on coming." Just then there was a knock on the door. It was Moma standing there with a hand full of groceries.

" Surprise!" She yelled and invited herself in. I closed the door and turn around to take some of the bags from her. We waked to the kitchen together. " It doesn't even look like you use your kitchen at all. I sighed and leaned against the counter.

" That's because I hardly ever have the time to. I mean what's the point anyway, I live alone. I have no one to feed but myself and my stomach settles for anything." She shook her head. 

" You wouldn't be lonely if you got your little ass out this house like I told you to." I laughed.

" I went to the club a couple days ago..." She looked at me like she didn't believe a word I was saying. " I'm serious... I went with August." She smiled and stared like she was trying to figure something out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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