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Chanelle's POV

I woke up with Trey's arms still wrapped around me. I smiled to myself because I could get used to this. I wiggled out of his grip and walked into my clostet looking for something to wear. I had a few meetings today so I had to dress to impress. (OUTFIT IN EXTERNAL LINK). I sat down at my vanity through my hair in a tight bun sitting on the top of my head. I put on eyeliner, mascara, nude lipstick and stood up. I walked over to my collection of perfumes and sprayed on some of my pomegranate mango. I grabbed my purse, phone and keys nefore my eyes landed on August. He was knocked out still. I walked over to him and began nudging him slightly trying to wake him. 

" Man what ?" I laughed at him. He opened one eye and closed it back. " August..." He stirred a bit before opening his eyes and looking at me.

" Goodmorning beautiful." I smiled .

" Goodmorning ... but I'm bout to go." He stood up and streched. 

" Alright. Give me a hug before I go." I smiled to myself before walking over him. He laughed and pulled me to him. He hugged me tight before clearing his throat  and letting me go. He picked up his shoes and shirt before looking back at me. " Alright I'm finna go home. Text me when you get off, my number on your fridge." With that thought he walked out. When did his number get on my fridge ? 

I grabbed the last of my things before locking up my house and going to work. 


I tried to walk hurriedly to my offiice door but Moma called my name.

" Sugah !" I laughed, I laugh everytime she calls me that. I slowly walked to her desk. " Sit your behind down in that chair right there. " I sighed and sat in the chair she pointed at. " Now who is it and when can I meet him." I smiled and stayed silent. " I'm serious Chanelle." Her voice was so stern making me look up at her.

" It's not like you're thinking, he's just a friend Moma." She waved my comment off.

" Who is he?"

" He's my neighbor. He moved in about 3 weeks ago." I shrugged my shoulders because it was nothing like she wanted it to be.

" Sugah, do you like him?" She smiled but I shook my head.

" No Ma, he's just a friend." Her smile dropped and she sighd before leaning back in her chair. 

" Just a friend huh ? Listen sweetie. It's okay to admit when you like someone." I open my mouth to corret her but she held her hand up. " Just a friend my ass Chanelle. I don't want to hear it. I been noticing you walking around here smiling lately. I'm not talking about that bougie ass smile you usually put on either... nobody believes thats real except you. I'm talking about a real genuine smile, shwoing that you're really happy for once." I stayed quiet because I knew she had gotten emotional...and soon I would too. " Sugah, you've been through so much in the little amount of time you've been on this Earth. I know it seems that there is nothing good about this world but baby every man is not going to be like daniel." I slowly took in a shaky breath. She leaned in to me grabbing my hand and looking me into my eyes. " I can tell you like this young man... even if you can't. Do me a favor and try not to shut this man down like you do the rest. I want to meet him too." I nodded and wiped  my watery eyes. I nodded my head again before hugging her and walking to my office. I closed the door and sat at my desk. I dropped my had in my hands and did something I hadn't did in a long time. I cried. I cried until I got it all out.


While I was working on some sketches I was thinking about putting on the line someone knocked at my door. I straightened up in my chair and told whoever it was to come in. I looked up at the door and it was Stephanie. I smiled and stood up from my chair hugging her.

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