Sneak Peak

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So here is like a sneak peek of the first stories first chapter- since I'm going to be morphing  all the short stories from this book into an actual story with a plot, the book "Touch" on Dreame will consist of each individual story having their own chapters. You'll understand it better once you read the book. Either way this is the first stories first chapter enjoy! If you want to see more just head over on Dreame.



ENTRY 1: Altezza's beginning


he halls buzzed with the soft murmurs of students perched on the corridors of Liesel High, as they aimlessly talked about who knows what bearing no mind to the words escaping their oh so beloved principals' mouth.

It was the same as last year. It always was

A Day before the school was out, and everyone could run along home to enjoy their well-deserved rest, after two painful weeks of studious studying, only to go back to their lazy unkept ways the moment it was done.

A fixed routine in the students' lives at this point

Though the student body may not show it on the outside, each one of them, deep down is holding onto a little string of hope that even though this year may have gone south for some of them, that next year would be there year.

Though I can't speak for all of us, but being in this school for as long as I have, observing them from the shadows. Watching, assessing, planning, a girl picks up a thing or two in this prison of a school.

This is about my personal favorites, the heartbreaks, deaths and the pain and the reactions of the best victims in this school had to suffer, this is their story.

Least the best five I could get before the end of the year.


'I see things that nobody else sees. '

"Ann! I'm begging you, please don't tell him about the bet, if you do, he will actually end up killing the guy." Pleaded Nina, as she tired meekly to get the paper clutched tightly in Ann's hand. The paper that had her fate written on its canvas – stupid bet stating that in the next two years if she found someone than that person could spend a whole day with each of her friends.

She was so not going to let that happen.

"Come on, you're leaving In like two days, this is going to be our parting gift to ensure that you wont ever forget us," replied Ann, as murmurs of agreement resounded through their little friend group, as poor Nina wailed, her lips set in a thin line, eyes aflame. She loved all her friends but at times they were utter pests in her eyes.

No matter, she could never stay mad at them, and so after a while of contemplation, she released a soft sigh, lips twitching up to a smile.

"Alright, keep the bet, but you lot better not forget me or I will fly back here and kick your butts!" she exclaimed laughing.

The classroom filled with lively chatter after that among the friends, it was days like this they loved the most.

No unnecessary dramas, no annoying lively classmates hogging their attention (a certain someone being constantly jealous), it was just them. Friends, utter opposites of each other, and yet so similar at the same time.

Their loud, hyper booming voices would have made a pastor stare in disapproval, their weird talks giving them looks of disgust by others around them. Yet they didn't mind, they paid no mind to it.

Their bubbly yet sometimes ignorant personality made it perfect for anyone to be open to them, it's like they had this aura around them which wills you to break down your walls and open about your deepest secrets.

They may not always know the best things to say but they are always there to listen.

No matter what.

"Hey Ann, where's Mia?" questioned Nina as she plopped down on the chair next to the petite girl.

"Oh, didn't I tell you, its her time to go in there," she answered, that infamous grin spreading widely across her face.

A look of recognition passing over the circle.


"Welcome, how may we be of service for you today?"

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