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Chaeyoung had wanted to stop somewhere, just somewhere as what she had said and Jungkook did pull the car over on the side of the street. He didn't know what had caused it but she looked like she was so angered at the world. When he saw her walking out so fast towards a cab, not even realizing that he was around, he had decided that maybe he should offer her ride to his friend's workshop and perhaps take the time to talk about things he wanted to say to her because he doubted she'd make time for him.

But when Jungkook's eyes landed on the furious face of her, he suddenly felt concern and he didn't know if it was possible or if it even made sense to say that he could feel that her insides were broken. He had known about it but it was the first time he truly felt it. Her face said it all.

He hadn't expected her to accept his offer and he thought it'd be fine but when she wanted him to pull over, he was worried that she'd get out of his car and wander off somewhere. Though that didn't seem like her at all, it would be possible.

He looked at her with concern. "Are you all right?"

She was silent for a moment. "No."

Jungkook licked his lips briefly and turned around, his arm reaching out at a water bottle from the plastic bag sitting at the backseat. He looked at her again, twisted the bottle cap to open it and handed it to her. She hesitated for a moment, throwing a glance at it and Jungkook knew that right then, he had to drop everything that was holding him back from acting like how he used to around her. If he didn't make a move, if he had to let the ego wrap around him completely, things wouldn't get better between them.

"Here," he pushed it forward towards her, used his free hand to take hers, urging her to hold the bottle. He found himself smiling a little when she finally drank it although it was only a gulp. He let her took the time to breathe out loud before she took the water bottle to her mouth again, downing a few gulps before she stopped. He was worried that his next question would do the opposite of making her feel better but it wouldn't hurt to try. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Chaeyoung was silent again and he waited until she was ready to speak. A few cars had passed them and it took her another gulp of water before she finally decided to unmute herself.

"I don't think I'll have another free time so whatever you want to say, please say them all now." Her tone was calmer and her voice was softer than the first time she had said a word to him on that day.

Just like before, Jungkook didn't know where and how to start. He knew it when he was with his friends, he knew exactly what he would say to her when he was at work but now that she was here next to him, giving him all the time she had, Jungkook lost all words.

"It's not the right time," Jungkook told her.

Chaeyoung sighed beside him. "Why? I told you I have no other time to spend on you other than today."

"Look at you," he glanced at her briefly and looked back to the road as more cars passed, "I don't want to pressure you. I don't know what happened to you earlier but I sure as hell don't want to piss you off even more."

He felt her turning to face him for a brief moment before she scoffed softly. "I'd prefer it to be today. I don't want to spend a lot of days getting angry. It's tiring. So if I have to be pissed for this whole day and only today, and that tomorrow and the days that come next would be better, I'd love it."


"What do you want to talk about, Jungkook?" she turned to him completely and Jungkook's grip on the steering wheel tightened when he saw how her beautiful face had been tainted with sadness that started because of him.

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