A King

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Even a king once passed here, with his armed guard. He had crossed the desert , he was exhausted and he wanted to come in. That night with tears in his eyes he said:
"I' m tired, I'm so tired and alone. Hold me tight, please. Caress my head until dawn, as my mother did along time ago. "
Yes, men are eternal children and I love them all for that. Anyway, it is true, a king slept in my bed. Is it so strange? I'm beautiful, very beautiful, many people say that.  At least, I believe he was a King, maybe only a prince, but surely a lonely man, lost in the night. He had something to confess too. After he had possessed me, he began to talk slowly and solemnly as to underline the importance of what he was going to tell:
"You are beautiful , do you know? You remind me of Leah, she was like you, brown hair and green eyes as Lebanon's sea. This is the reason why I have slept with you tonight. I was used to see her every day while hanging out the clothes in the sun. She was beautiful, incredibly beautiful. Little by little she got into my veins, without leaving me resting. And one day it happened, I saw her naked, bathing and drying in the sun...

-My King, here I am
A young man arrived in a hurry.
-My faithful Ra'han, I have a very delicate task for you.

-My lord,you can trust me, you know.
The King, leaning on the stone parapet of a large window open to the city, indicating with a vague gesture the walls and the white terraces, said:
-Leah, the wife of Shiza'el.... I want to see her tonight. Go and tell her that the King sends for her. Bring her some scented oils.
-Leah?! The general's wife?! Your friend and adviser!
The young man hesitated looking amazed at his King.
-Do as you are told! Am I the King, or am I not?
Ra'han immediately looked down.
-No, no, my Lord. It will be done as you wish.
And it happened that very night: the king and the woman loved each other tenderly.
The King was still young, he had the body of a warrior, broad shoulders and powerful hips. A lively and piercing gaze characterized his deep black eyes. Long, curly, black hair framed his face with a slightly prominent hooked nose which added pride and grandeur to his tanned face.
-You are so beautiful. I desired you from the first moment I saw you. When you entered the Palace behind him I immediately envied him.
King Ariel said while tenderly kissing her neck.
Leah was really beautiful. Her black hair, shining with scented oil, let barely the shape of her breasts and her turgid nipples. lying on the royal bed, her velvet skin, lit by the moon, was shining of a magical glow.

-My lord, I felt in love with you at first sight too. You were so regal and handsome, and shone like the sun upon your throne.- and whispering she went on- God forgive me, today, but my heart leapt with joy when I saw your messenger approaching. But now, I am so sad, I have to go, I have to fulfil my duties as a wife.
-You are right, God forgive us. It is insane but I would do it again and again till the end of my life. I love you. –he said and looking to the far horizon out the window he continued saying- What a cruel fate is ours, I betray my faithful friend, a soldier of mine and I feel neither shame nor pain. Maybe because I am the King?- He became silent, he got up and , approaching the window, he said, almost hissing and spelling every word. -Yes, I am king, the great and generous King! I can't do without you and your husband is far away to serve me, you and my people- And peremptorily he added:
- I will see you again tomorrow.

The sighs and groans of love, mixedwith joy and regret, resounded in the King's chambers for many other nights.


Some days later.

-My Lord...
-Tell me, my beloved Leah.
-I have no doubt now that I'm pregnant. I'm expecting your child.
The king jumped up from his bed, put on his tunic and shoes and began to walk in long strides back and forth between the hall and the bedroom. Then he burst into a repressed scream!
- Damn it, woman, damn it!
And murmuring desperately he added:
- I have been punished. God has punished us. I can't confess everything to your husband, I know him! It would be a tragedy. There would be innocent blood and I cannot lose you. And the baby, my son, what would happen to him? What would happen if the High Priest found out? What a scandal, and I would lose all authority if he was against me. Leah, I love you from the bottom of my heart and I am not sorry for what we have done, but even a King must answer to rules above him. –Imperiously he added, - Now go away! Go away, my beloved misfortune. I have to think. Damn it! I have to think and find a solution. Leave me alone!


The next day, after a sleepless night, torn between desire and pride, remorse and fear, the King made a decision. He then sent forRa'han.
-My trusty man, go and take four horses from my stable, the fastest of the kingdom and run to the front. 
Tell Amos, my Commander, to send General Shiza'el, the Idumean, here to me immediately. You'll come back with him too. Quick, you are leaving now!
-As you command, my lord.
Ra'han rode all day. Only at dusk he saw the white walls of the besieged city. The camp was positioned on the east side, not far from the city, he immediately recognized the yellow tent of the Commander Amos. Without further delay, with one last effort he reached it. He got off the exhausted horse. After shaking the dust off and drinking deeply, he reported the King's orders to 
The following day, at sunset, Ra'han and Shiza'el were standing, dusty and tired, in front of King Ariel.
-Thank you, my faithful Ra'han, you rode for two days without almost resting, you deserve a reward and a long rest. You can leave now. The servants will take care of you. And you, Shiza'el, my friend, pull up a stool and sit near me. Tell me how this bloody war is going.
After talking about the war, about the heroic deeds of his warriors and the foolish stubborness of the besieged, King Ariel introduced the discussion on what he cared more than anything else. He started talking about women and intercourses.
He said:
-My faithful soldier, you can go now. You have a young wife waiting for you with open arms - and, adopting a confidential tone - You certainly know how to satisfy her, you have been missing for a long time now and your loins will certainly needs satisfaction and relax, after all, what are women for? Put your weapons away, you are certainly going to honor another kind of sword...

he accompanied this last sentence with a broad smile, taking his arm and leading him to the exit. Suddenly, the warrior stopped turning to the king and looking into his eyes he said in a firm voice:
-My Lord, my family is a family of greatwarriors for generations, it is our custom not to touch any woman during the war. It is dishonorable and a bad omen, and even though the desire of my beloved accompanies me every night of solitude, certainly I will not break this tradition, dishonoring my ancestors.
-These noble thoughts honor you, my soldier, but it is your own King who exempts you. You have well served the kingdom and now you are at home, do not think about anything, only rest and enjoy a well deserved reward in the arms of your young and tender wife. -And, with a forced smile, he added , -Go and distinguish yourself in your bed as on the battlefields. It is your King who orders it to you.
The weary warrior half smiled, bowed and, without further ado, took his leave. King Ariel made sure that the warrior was far enough and said to a servant:
-Go and follow that stubborn fool. Don't lose sight of it, not even for a moment. Tomorrow you will tell me every single gesture.


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