A king (II part)

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The next day, with a dark face, the King listened to the servant's report.
-Are you telling me that he slept all night in the entrance colonnade?
-Yes, my King.
-And ... he didn't leave for a moment, not even to piss? -He added impatiently.
The servant nodded several times.
-All right, all right! Now, go and call him.- ordered the King.
Shortly after, in the audience hall:
-My dear Shiza'el, I know that last night you slept on the bare ground, in the entrance colonnade. You disobeyed me and I am disappointed with you. - He jokingly said. -So, as a punishment, you will dine with me tonight, if you are not looking for what only a woman can give you, let your King provide for your needs. A good lamb on the spit with red wine will be our company. I have a good wine that is better than ambrosia. A faithful servant like you cannot go back to battle without tasting the King's gratitude for him.
-Always at your command! - The soldier laconically replied.
- Well, see you tonight.- Ariel replied.
Once the general was gone, he turned to the nearest servant:
-You, warn the cook, I want a big feast for tonight, that there are the best wines and plenty of meat, well spiced meat, I want him to be thirsty. Send for the dancer Hamina, I want to talk to her, hurry up.


-My King, here I am. Your wish is my command.
So saying, the young woman made a sinuous bow and an attractive smile. Her audacious look, her emerald eyes with a cut accentuated by the black brush, so deep and seductive, stroke every man in the kingdom who gazed at her. Her rhythmic , sensual and wild dances together with her extraordinary elegance of execution, had guaranteed her a special accomodation in the palace. At the end of her performances, the King rewarded her with rich gifts and often invited her to wait for him in his rooms. A curious mutual understanding was born between the two and both took advantage of it their way.
-Leave us alone! - the King said to the courtiers who quickly went away.
- Listen to me, my darling.- The King calmly began talking . –Tonight there will be an important guest, he means a lot to me. You must be the most scantily dressed and perform your most voluptuous dances. You'll have to make him mad with desire, just like you did to me, remember? I will be very generous, as I have always been with you.
-You offend me, how could I ever forget? But, tell me ... who is he? an ambassador from a distant kingdom to bribe or to ingratiate? Don't you want me all to you anymore, as you once said? Are you tired of me? Now you give me to another for your miserable purpose?
-Shut up woman, don't provoke me, it's not so! But you can't understand, nobody can understand. Nobody will touch you with a finger, you know.
- Ow,ow,ow... this tone is not like you. I hear doubt in your voice, my Lord. Do you, the King, you, who you are always sure of yourself, have a doubt? Actually, it seems to me worry more than a doubt, almost fear. Tell me, is that woman involved? You know, no one knows and no one speaks in the palace, but ... everyone knows and...
-Shut up! - Ariel interrupted her abruptly. -Don't make me lose patience, I could regret all the privileges I have granted you. Now you do what I say and no one will touch you! Got it?!
-I understand, I understand. That woman has bewitched you. I will do as you wish.


That evening, at sunset, everything was ready. In the courtyard garden, a tender lamb was browning, and under the adjacent porch, King Ariel and his friend General Shiza'el sat at a long table in scented cedarwood. The two laughed and joked light-hearted, talking about hunting and women. In the light of the high braziers, two pretty maids did not fail to fill their mugs with wine whenever they gave signs ofbeing empty. Suddenly, the King clapped his hands twice and a growing cadenced rhythm of the drum came from the dark of the opposite porch. Two agile and fast maiden, armed with torches, set fire to the flammable liquid contained in some oblong vases placed on the border between the garden and the porch. The graceful shape of Hamina slowly appeared through the hypnotic swaying of the darting flames. With the reddish and flickering light on the shoulders she seemed to dance naked as if suspended in the air. Accompanied by the rhythm of the bass drum, the tambourines and the thin sound of a long flute, the dancer had captured the attention of all those present. The Idumean warrior was enchanted by every gesture of the wonderful dancer. The King was pleased to observe his host's Adam's apple going up and down at every movement of the dancer's belly. The dancer's gestures became more and more exciting and compulsive in following the rhythm of the drum which, over time, became more persistent. At the ringing of bells, the music suddenly stopped. The dancer stood as still as a statue while the King and the general burst into applause. Shiza'el looked exhausted. Sweaty, his pupils dilated withalcohol and excitement, he kept clapping his hands as if hypnotized. After a broad bow, the dancer disappeared, followed by the eager gaze of the soldier. Suggested by the King, dirty allusions and vulgarities addressed to the slaves multiplied. The abundantly wine-soaked dinner continued without interruptions and, at the end, Ariel spoke these words:
-My brave general, I really think you have had too much wine. I'll have my servants escort you safely to your wife. Nobody will ever know. And ... don't worry, we'll win the war the same.
-No, I cannot... I cannot- The drunken Shiza'el was repeating in a dazed state.
-Go, take it easy and have fun. Servants, take the general home, guard his doors and make sure that he is not disturbed for any reason.


The next day, with the sun already high in the sky:

-I do not believe it. He didn't even go into the house?! And you didn't bring him home?! But are you idiots? - Shouted the King, - Perfect idiots!
-We insisted but, at a certain point, he pulled out the dagger and pointed it at my throat, shouting: "I can't dishonor my ancestors! Leave me here! I command you to do so! I am Shiza'el the Idumean, I am a warrior, not an attendant. I'll walk in the desert to return to myself! Leave me on my own!"
-Okay, - the King hissed, -go away now, you're a bunch of idiots. Go away.
Once alone, the King angrily seized the royal chair, lifted it and hurled it away shouting:
-Damn it! A thousand times damn it- he cried out again:-Ra'han, get me Ra'han, now!
The attendant immediately appeared in front of him.
-Get ready! In two hours, you and the general will leave again for the front. If Shiza'el wants glory, he will have it.Yes, he will have it. Tell Amos, my Commander, to put our Idumean soldier in the front line, among the troops that will attack the enemy city; that they will not come back without storming the walls: victory or death. The King will be eternally grateful to every dead and will take care of the livelihood of every widow.

I married her, sweet Rha'el, I finally married Leah, but our son died in child birth. The prophet said I was punished by God for my sin. But, I still wonder today, why? Remorse will haunt me forever. Like a faithful but huge companion he never leaves me. I betrayed a friend, I stabbed him in the back.

I am the one who deserved to be punished for it, not my son! But life, love, desire, a fertile woman, her sweet womb, are they not gifts of God for men? Hasn't God himself given me the power and the kingdom? The God of Hosts is with me, everyone knows it and they bow when I pass by. And I acted as a king. Then why do I feel so alone? Why do I feel at home only now, in your arms, in the arms of a whore? "

What did I tell you? Men are like children, in my arms they abandon themselves happily; and I welcome them all. In this great game of life, they buy a little love by settling for little. They strip off their sword, armor and glory, take off their masks and, naked, in front of the great mother earth, they seek only a moment of peace, getting lost in it.

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