Julia (beatle fan-fic)

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Third persons POV

Paul say there sitting at the piano staring in frustration at the piece of paper with un-finished lyrics. "Bloody hell" he thought. After attempting for the umpteenth time that day to complete the lyrics to his song with no luck. "From the top... I guess".he thought miserably. Sitting straight he placed his hands on the black and white keys. His hands gracefully started to dance as he began to sing:

" Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church were a wedding has been. Lives in a dream! Waits at the ... Uh...Window, keeping warm with a cup of ... Tea. Is it warm!?" he stopped playing. " ah! What's wrong with me? That's the worst line that I've wrote so far!" he yelled to no one in paticular. You could tell he had had a long day,his patience almost completely gone. He had been at this song for over 4 hours only to creat a couple of verses.He was clearly frustrated with himself and in his anger he banged his head against the keys over and over again trying to make his brain work which, in the end, only created the sound of a dying cat. But then, he heard it. He wasn't to sure what IT was, but all the same he heard it. He waited a moment, to make sure he wasn't imagining things...Nothing. Just when he thought he imagined it, he heard it again. Three soft knocks came from his front door. Hesitantly he got up. " I wonder whose at the door? Dear God, I hope it's. not some crazy fan!"he thought as He passed a quick check in the mirror to make sure he looked alright. In his blue dress shirt and black pants. He put his ear to the door, to see if could hear any type of girlish screams. Content with himself that it wasn't a fan girl he opened the door. He didn't know what he expected to see, but what he did surtantly boggled his mind.

On his front porch stood a little girl no older than 3. She wore a yellow rain jaket with a white dress peaking behind it, equiped with a pair of yellow rain boots and a blue umbrella.On her shoulder she carried a small pink back pack, a small piece of paper poking out of her pocket Her chocolate brown hair had been pulled into two tails at each side of her head, her bangs had been left alone to cover her forehead. She had large brown doe like eyes that sparkled with amusement and a smile adorning her small mouth.

"er.... Hello" he said awkwardly

"hi!" she answered back with a toothy grin. He stared back at the child, unsure of what to do

"Do you need anything ?" She shook her head, signaling a no.

" well" he said " Are you looking for someone?" to this she answered

"Daddy! I'm looking for Daddy" Again he stared at the child. For the second time that day, he did not know what to say to her ever smiling face.

" why don't you ask

mummy where he is." he through a quick look behind her to see if she was with someone. But no one was there.

She looked down at the floor with a sunken look.

" I...I don't know where she is " she half yelled half cried. She then started to cry. At first they came down slowly as she would angrily wipe them away. She dropped her umbrella and started to sob. Paul looked at the child with wide eyes. He obviously said something to make her cry. He knelt down so that they were the same height then he spoke to her gently:

" shh.shh. Don't cry ok, will find your mummy" he slowly wiped away her tears away from her eyes as they started to slow down. Just when he thought she calmed down, she started to sob and ran into his arms and hugged his neck . " I'm guessing your not okay" he thought to himself. He lifted the girl into his arms pick up the umbrella and entered the house. He closed the door behind him, took the girls boots and bag while rubbing her back. He whispered soothing things to her as he waited for her to calm down. 5 minutes turned into 15 minutes and still no change. Just then, an idea popped in his head. He began to softly sing:

" Eleanor Rigby picks up the in the church where a wedding has been. Lives in a dream. Waits at the window keeping her face in a jar by the door, who is it for? All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people where do the all come from..." As he ended the song he noticed that she was looking at him with watery eyes.

"you okay now?" he whispered. She nodded, wiping her eyes. He gently put her down.

"so... Can you tell me your name?" he asked

"...Julia" she answered while sucking on her thumb.

" Julia, what a pretty name. Do you know what your last name is?" she sadly muttered a small no. Paul sighed. "what was he supposed to do. She was obviously lost. That much was for sure" he thought. But then he remembered her saying something about looking for her dad. And so he asked

"why did you come here if you were looking for your Dad?" she looked up.

"I don't know" she muttered. "mummy made the taximan take me here...she said daddy be here...But...i...He...Mummy said to give this to the person who opened the door" From her jacket she pulled out a small white envelope and handed it to him. He turned it around his fingers before finally opening it to find a letter:

"Dear Paul,

I know you don't remember me, or how we met but I still do.You and I met at a bar,and the rest is history. I don't want you to think that I'm letting my responsibilities go by handing you Julia. I can no longer be there for her... I have terminal cancer, and I know I won't last much longer. I just didn't want her to see me go. But I'll be there watching from above making sure she's alright. But it's with great sadness that I hand you our daughter. Her name is Julia. She is 3 and a half . Her birthday is November 14. And I know you may not believe that's she's not yours, but she IS. Get a fraternity test if you want but IS yours. I just ask that you please take care of her. PLEASE do. Do not leave her to fend for herself in an orphanage. Please take of her. Love her, be there for her because I can't just please be her Dad. I know you have a busy schedule but make time for her. Let her have the childhood I never had.



Two pictures were glued onto the paper. One of Julia, and the other he assumed was Prudence whose pictured reminded him of nothing He looked down at the child, and studied her facial features carefully. She had the same eyes, nose,mouth and hair as him. There was no doubt that she looked exactly like him. "But...I...don't want to be a dad. Not know..."he thought. "she may not be mine. You know what, il do a Paternity test tomorow and then we will see" And so, he shakily knelt down and spoke to her:

"I may know where daddy is" he told her

"Where!?" she asked as she looked around the room

" Im not 100% sure yet, but you can stay with me until we know who he is exactly. OKay?" she looked at him in awe

"pwomis" she said as she stuck her pinky out and looked at his expectantly.

"yah, I promise"he said as he wrapped his pinky finger around her tiny one.


authors note:

Thank you so much for reading. This is my second attempt at a story.

( .the first one ending in failure) so any tips would be EXTREMELY helpful.

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