A Day with Jacob

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It was a bright and early morning the sun hadnt even raised yet. Jacob had just woken up still tried form yesterday training session with the boys, he sat up in his bed rubbing his eyes trying to get himself awake going down the stairs running his long fingers through his black hair he stood in the door frame that lead to his small but decent work out room he began to work out doing some stretches before the young male realized it the sun was rising up in the sky .

He set down his stuff and began making himself eggs with chorizo and potatoes one of his favorite meals (its amazing i love it!) the tall black haired male started to dice the potatoes and unwrapping the chorizo placing it in the pan. He was only in his sweat pants, he stirred the chorizo making sure it was ready for the potatoes when hearing a knock on the door he open it to see three familiar faces he raised an eyebrow "Yes?" he answered still half asleep the pink haired girl spoke up.

"Mr.Okami-" the male interrupted her "Just come in and call me Jacob thats it okay?" "Yes Jacob." the three guein walked into the small apartment it wasn't very small but decent.

Jacob went back to cooking he cracked open some eggs into a bowel then began to beat them together. "Whats that? It smells good!" Naruto spoke up Jacob smiled as he told him what it was.

"My father used to make it for me actually both of my parents did." the raven haired boy looked around the house seeing very few pictures of him with anyone but one photo stood out the most a photo of him and his sister well more like sisters along with their parents the small girl had white hair beautiful long white hair his father jet black hair brown eyes that held pride and his mother long brown wavy hair that reached her back with brown eyes with the same hint of gold his father had. "I see you found the photo.

"That was taken before a terrible war came about." the guein eyes widen "Hn." Naruto spoke up "Can we train with you?" Jacob thought for a moment while getting the food that he had mixed eggs with on a plate "I dont know." "Please!" the blonde hair boy begged "Fine." Jacob offered some food to kids which they gladly took the offer.

He ate his part watching the kids eat their meal. Jacob and the kids were walking down to the training grounds they were following the normal routine.

Jacob started to train practicing his knife throws as the kids watch with amusement soon they were all training together Jacob was teaching them how throw and aim knifes when naruto got injured so he took that chance and taught sakura how to do a special kind of healing justu then showed Sasuke different ways to use his chakra and for Naruto he taught him how to control specific parts of your body with charaka.

"Well well well if it isn't the big bad alpha wolf."said a voice from behinde the bushes a voice that Jacob knew all to well the you uchiha got ready to attack as did the others. "What do you want  Hitoshi?" Jacob asked the red haired man. "I came for your sister and to take what should have been mine, the alpha's throne!" Hitoshi yelled as he ran to attack Jacob. Jacob quickly put a barrier around the kids just before he got knocked down by Hitoshi "Jacob!!" The geuin yelled "Aww how sweet they are worried about you, but they don't know you like I know you do they okami?" Sneered Hitoshi as he circled around Jacob.

Jacob was hurt but stood his ground. He stood up growling at his opponent he began to shift into his wolf from his brown fur showing hints of black fur. Hitoshi attacked Jacob fangs were showe.as they  bit eachother as they fought. Blood spilled onto their furs and yet the still continued to fight. The battle ended with Hitoshi leaving when Jacob warned him that he was not in the mood to play games that this was his last chance to leave them alone. And so Hitoshi left leaving Jacob with a few scratches and cuts.

Jacob undid the barrier that was protecting the kids. They rushed to him making sure he was alright sakura tried to heal him to the best of her abilities but Jacob brushed it off saying he was fine that he would take care of it later. Before they knew it night fall came.

Jacob walked each of them home and told them good night he got back to his place took of his clothes got in the shower and got ready for bed it was a good day for him he really grew attached to the kids.

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